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01. Setup

Project Setup

Once you have checked off the list of prerequisites, it's time to create a new Quarkus project. There are multiple ways to do this, but for simplicity, I will use the Quarkus project configurator. This tool empowers you to quickly assemble a complete build file with the necessary dependencies.

About 6 minJavaQuarkuscrashcoursefreecodecampjavajdkjdk8streamquarkusjpajpastreamer
02. Getting Started

It is now time to look at the application architecture. The objective is to establish endpoints that serve film-related information to clients. For the sake of clarity and separation of concerns, I've chosen to adopt a straightforward Repository Pattern.

Below is a snapshot of how the architectural pieces will fit together when you are done. The Resources class takes on the responsibility of delivering database-derived content to clients. However, this class refrains from conducting the actual database interactions; instead, this task is entrusted to the Repository. This architectural approach neatly segregates the data layer from the other facets of our application.

About 2 minJavaQuarkuscrashcoursefreecodecampjavajdkjdk8streamquarkusjpajpastreamer
03. JPA & JPAStreamer

Fetching Films with Java Streams and JPAStreamer

So far our application has not touched the database, but that is our next move. We start simple and gradually build up Stream queries that are more powerful.

Initiate this process by establishing a dedicated repository package adjacent to the existing model package. Inside this repository section, create a class named FilmRepository. As the name implies, this class will serve as the hub for our database queries. This class needs to be annotated with @ApplicationScoped for it to be injected into your FilmResource later.

About 5 minJavaQuarkuscrashcoursefreecodecampjavajdkjdk8streamquarkusjpajpastreamer
04. Testing

Continuous Testing

You can configure Quarkus to automatically trigger the execution of your JUnit test suite every time you run your application. Or alternatively, trigger the execution manually by pressing [r] in the Quarkus dev terminal. Before, I understood the value of test-driven-development (TDD) but I have always felt it got in the way of focusing on the business logic as I would only run them occasionally. This does not mean Quarkus writes the tests for you, but they are easy to execute and the dev mode constantly reminds you that they are there.

About 3 minJavaQuarkuscrashcoursefreecodecampjavajdkjdk8streamquarkusjpajpastreamer
05. Others

Running the Debugger with Quarkus Dev Mode

Frequently, a test may fail without any apparent cause, leaving us perplexed (or perhaps not so much). Ironically, I sometimes find myself attributing my own simple errors to underlying bugs in external libraries. Thankfully, the debugger comes to our rescue, shedding light on where things took a wrong turn and often humbling me by revealing my own mistakes.

About 3 minJavaQuarkuscrashcoursefreecodecampjavajdkjdk8streamquarkusjpajpastreamer