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What is Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling?

Auto scaling is like having a smart system that keeps an eye on how many people are visiting your website. When you have a lot of people, it quickly adds more servers to handle the extra traffic. And when things quiet down, it scales back to save you money. In…
How to Build an EKS Cluster Across AWS Local Zones using the AWS CDK

AWS Local Zones are a new type of infrastructure that enables you to build and run applications closer to end-users, providing low latency and improved performance. They are designed to provide the same high availability and reliability as an AWS Region, but with the added benefit of low-latency connections...
Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Certification

Are you trying to earn the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification? We just released a course on the YouTube channel that is is designed to help you pass the certification exam and showcase your expertise in AWS t...
How to Choose the Right IaC Tool – AWS CDK, CloudFormation, and Terraform Compared

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become a cornerstone of modern cloud resource management. It enables developers and engineers to manage their cloud resources with the same level of control and precision as application code. When you're working with AWS, among the tools at the forefront of utilizing IaC are...
How Auto Scaling and Load Balancing Work in Software Architecture

While auto scaling and load balancing are two separate techniques in software architecture management, they are often implemented simultaneously. In the software architecture wild, one rarely exists without the other, as they complement each other to handle unpredictable changes in demand. This article will explain how auto scaling and load...
How to Use Time To Live in Event-Driven Architecture in AWS

Distributed systems generally involve the storage and exchange of huge amounts of data. Not all data is created the same, and some of it can even expire – by design. As the Buddha said, 'All conditioned things are impermanent.' In this article, we'll look at how the concept of...

Learnk8s — the Kubernetes training company

Provisioning cloud resources (AWS, GCP, Azure) in Kubernetes

You can create and connect to managed cloud provider resources using the Service Catalog, a tool such as Kubeform or cloud-specific operators
Deploying Node.js apps in EKS

Learn how to deploy a Node.js app on Kubernetes with EKS and scale to millions of requests.
Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS with Terraform and EKS

Learn how you can leverage Terraform and EKS to provision identical clusters for development, staging and production environments with a single click.


진짜 서버리스 vs 가짜 서버리스 | 요즘IT

진짜 서버리스 vs 가짜 서버리스
오토스케일링 위한 '카펜터' 설치부터 설정까지 | 요즘IT

오토스케일링 위한 '카펜터' 설치부터 설정까지
키클락을 활용한 통합 인증 실습하기 | 요즘IT

키클락을 활용한 통합 인증 실습하기
AWS Personalize 활용한 개인화 추천 서비스 론칭기 | 요즘IT

AWS Personalize 활용한 개인화 추천 서비스 론칭기
'오브젝트 스토리지'는 어떻게 활용할까? | 요즘IT

'오브젝트 스토리지'는 어떻게 활용할까?

스타트업 엔지니어의 AWS 비용 최적화 경험기

인프랩이 어떻게 월 $25,000 넘게 AWS 비용을 절약할 수 있었는지 경험과 노하우를 소개합니다.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.