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freeCodeCamp Programming Tutorials: Python, JavaScript, Git & More
Browse thousands of programming tutorials written by experts. Learn Web Development, Data Science, DevOps, Security, and get developer career advice.
Code Maze - C#, .NET and Web Development Tutorials
Welcome to Code Maze. Here, you can find C#, .NET and Web Development tutorials. Join millions of readers from all over the world.
Milan Jovanović | Helping You Become a Better .NET Engineer
The .NET Weekly is a newsletter that delivers 1 practical tip on .NET & sofwtare architecture that you can easily implement. | Alex Pliutau | Substack
Welcome to, your one-stop shop for mastering Backend, Cloud, Kubernetes, Microservices, APIs, and more. We'll provide you with hands-on, practical and real-world tutorials that you can use to build your software development skills. Click to read, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.

요즘 사람들의 IT 매거진, 요즘IT



How to Create Your Personalized GitHub Profile Page – GitHub Profile README Guide

Have you ever wanted to spruce up your GitHub profile page and make it stand out? Well, you're in luck! With just a few simple steps, you can create a personalized GitHub profile that showcases your skills, projects, and personality. Let's dive in. Create A New Repository Go
How to Become an Open Source Project Maintainer

You might be wondering why you would want to become an open source maintainer. Well, I can tell you from my own experience that you'll learn a lot, grow your network, and meet and collaborate with people you wouldn’t have the opportunity to otherwise. It also helps you...
How to Create Notice Blocks in Markdown

Markdown is a very popular lightweight markup language. It is used for writing documentation and even for creating a complete website. Therefore, almost all of us frequently use this markup language every once in a while. However, there are some limitations to this language. In some cases, we can not...
How to Host Static Sites on Azure Static Web Apps for Free

In this article, I will show you how you can host your React/Next.js app or any static web app on Azure Static Web Apps. I will be showing you both ways of doing it – through the GUI and with the CLI. I assume you already have built a...
How to Set Up a CI/CD Pipeline with Husky and GitHub Actions

CI/CD is a core practice in the modern software development ecosystem. It helps agile teams deliver high-quality software in short release cycles. In this tutorial, you'll learn what CI/CD is, and I'll help you set up a CI/CD pipeline using Husky and GitHub Actions in a Next.js application. This...
Pass the GitHub Advanced Security Certification Exam

Ensuring the security of your code is important, and mastering GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) can significantly enhance your ability to safeguard your projects. If you want to strengthen your security skills, obtaining the GitHub Advanced Security C...
How to Host Your Project on GitHub – Explained With Examples

Seven years ago, I began my journey into web development with HTML and CSS. As soon as I got the hang of JavaScript, I built my first website. The excitement was overwhelming, and I wanted to share it with my friends and the world. Like many beginners, I started researching...
How to Build a Serverless CRUD REST API with the Serverless Framework, Node.js, and GitHub Actions

Serverless computing emerged as a response to the challenges of traditional server-based architectures. With serverless, developers no longer need to manage or scale servers manually. Instead, cloud providers handle infrastructure management, allowin...
How to Manage your Open Source Project with GitHub

Managing your repository is one of the most important tasks for every open-source, individual, or proprietary software project. Small open-source project repositories are easily maintained without using additional functionality because few developers...

Code Maze - C#, .NET and Web Development Tutorials

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB

In this article, we’re going to cover how to set up and configure an ASP.NET Core Web API with MongoDB as our database.
Continuous Deployment from GitHub to Azure App Service

In this article, we are going to learn how to configure Continuous Deployment (CD) from GitHub to Azure App Service using Deployment Center.

Milan Jovanović | Helping You Become a Better .NET Engineer

How To Build a CI/CD Pipeline With GitHub Actions And .NET

Do you want to streamline your software development process and accelerate your release cycles? Imagine being able to automatically build, test, and deploy your .NET applications with every code change. With CI/CD, you can significantly reduce manual effort and focus more on creating software, ensuring faster and more reliable releases. And it's never been easier to get started with CI/CD. GitHub Actions are completely free and simple to use.
Testcontainers - Integration Testing Using Docker In .NET

Modern software applications rarely work in isolation. On the contrary, a typical application will talk to several external systems like databases, messaging systems, cache providers, and many 3rd party services. And it's up to you to ensure everything functions correctly. Hopefully, I don't have to convince you about the value of writing tests. You should be writing tests. Period. However, I do want to discuss the value of integration testing. Unit tests are helpful to test business logic in isolation, without any external services. They are easy to write and provide almost instant feedback. But you can't be fully confident in your application without integration tests. | Alex Pliutau | Substack

Identifying Container Image Vulnerabilities with Docker Scout

A guide on how to maintain a more secure containerized software.
Streamline Your Development Workflow: Deploying Preview Environments on Kubernetes Using Github Actions

Testing deployed code before it's merged in total isolation from your real traffic.


CI/CD 개념과 깃허브 리포지터리 생성하기 | 요즘IT

CI/CD 개념과 깃허브 리포지터리 생성하기
깃허브 액션으로 CI/CD 구현하기 | 요즘IT

깃허브 액션으로 CI/CD 구현하기
R 개발자가 ‘R-universe’로 패키지 생태계 운영하는 법 | 요즘IT

R 개발자가 ‘R-universe’로 패키지 생태계 운영하는 법


가상 머신의 성능을 높이는 것도 지구 온난화에 도움이 될까요?

서비스 인프라 확장 비용을 줄이기 위한 선택 - 가상 머신 서비스 인프라를 확장하는 방법은 두 가지가 있습니다. 하나는 서버를 더 도입하는 스케일아웃이고, 또 하나는 서버에 하드웨...

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.