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How to Run a Postgres Database in Azure Kubernetes Service and Integrate it with a Node.js Express Application

Hey everyone! Today, you're going to learn about deploying a Postgres container in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and connecting it to a Node.js application. In this fast-paced development landscape, deploying via containers, particularly with Kubernetes, is becoming increasingly popular. Some companies perform numerous deployments daily, so it's crucial for you

DigitalOcean | Cloud Infrastructure for Developers

How To Secure Your Site in Kubernetes with cert-manager, Traefik, and Let’s Encrypt | DigitalOcean

Kubernetes is a popular way to host websites. As more websites interact with sensitive data, more browsers are requiring TLS to secure traffic. However, it c…
How To Run Serverless Workloads with Knative on DigitalOcean Kubernetes | DigitalOcean

Knative is a Kubernetes-based platform that provides components to deploy and manage serverless workloads. Knative offers open-source Kubernetes integration,…

Learnk8s — the Kubernetes training company

How do you connect Kubernetes clusters located in different data centres?

In Kubernetes, you might want to distribute your workloads in different regions to improve your reliability and availability. Learn what options you have.
Kubernetes Chaos Engineering: Lessons Learned — Part 1

When you deploy an app in Kubernetes, your code ends up running on one or more worker nodes. But what happens when a node breaks and the network proxy crashes?
Boosting your kubectl productivity

Learn the tips and tricks that make your usage of kubectl more efficient and effective.
Is Helm used just for templating Kubernetes YAML files?

Learn how Helm is used for templating, sharing charts and managing releases.
How do you visualise dependencies in your Kubernetes YAML files?

When you have a large number of resources in your Kubernetes cluster, you might lose track of all relationships between them. Learn how to visualise your dependencies.
How to keep your Kubernetes secrets secure in Git

Kubernetes secrets that you load into the cluster must exist somewhere. Is Kubernetes to be the only source of truth or do you keep a copy? Learn how to secure secrets.
How to autoscale apps on Kubernetes with custom metrics

Kubernetes provides excellent support for autoscaling applications in the form of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. In this article, you will learn how to use it.
How do you rollback deployments in Kubernetes?

A Kubernetes Ingress routes the external traffic to your services and Pods inside the cluster. You could have an Ingress that is also an API gateway.
Scaling Microservices with Message Queues, Spring Boot and Kubernetes

Learn how to scale SpringBoot apps in Kubernetes using the autoscaler and a message broker such as Kafka, RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ.
Can you expose your microservices with an API gateway in Kubernetes?

A Kubernetes Ingress routes the external traffic to your services and Pods inside the cluster. You could have an Ingress that is also an API gateway.
Architecting Kubernetes clusters — how many should you have?

How many Kubernetes clusters should you have? One big cluster or multiple smaller clusters? This article investigates the pros and cons of different approaches.
Provisioning cloud resources (AWS, GCP, Azure) in Kubernetes

You can create and connect to managed cloud provider resources using the Service Catalog, a tool such as Kubeform or cloud-specific operators
Implementing a custom Kubernetes authentication method

Kubernetes allows binding a cluster to arbitrary authentication methods. In this article, you will learn how to implement LDAP authentication for your Kubernetes cluster.
Coding a real-time dashboard for Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, how can you be notified when a Pod is added, removed or modified? In this article you'll learn how to use the API to track changes to Kubernetes resources.
Kubernetes: deploy Laravel the easy way

In this article, I'll explain how to deal with the simple requirement of running a Laravel application as a local Kubernetes set up.
Templating YAML in Kubernetes with real code

Learn how you can parametrise resource definitions with yq, kustomize and real code.
Validating Kubernetes YAML for best practice and policies

How can you prevent deployments that don't follow best practices from reaching the cluster? In this article you will compare six tools to validate Kubernetes YAML files.
Enforcing policies and governance for Kubernetes workloads

In this article, you will learn about enforcing policies for your Kubernetes workloads using both out-of-cluster and in-cluster solutions.
Setting the right requests and limits in Kubernetes

Find the right requests and limits can be tricky. Instead of guessing, you could inspect the application at runtime and extrapolate the values.
Authentication between microservices using Kubernetes identities

Learn how you can secure communications between microservices to prevent unauthenticated requests using Kubernetes identities.
Getting started with Docker and Kubernetes on Windows 10

In this article you'll learn how to make the right choices when it comes to setting up your development environment on Windows.
Extending applications on Kubernetes with multi-container pods

Learn how to extend apps on Kubernetes without changing any code using multiple containers.
Scaling Celery workers with RabbitMQ on Kubernetes

Learn how to use Kubernetes and KEDA to scale Celery workers based on the number of messages in a RabbitMQ queue
Getting started with Terraform and Kubernetes on Azure AKS

Learn how you can use Terraform to create Kubernetes cluster in Azure.
Architecting Kubernetes clusters — choosing the best autoscaling strategy

Learn how to size your cluster nodes, configure the Horizontal and Cluster Autoscaler, and overprovision your cluster for faster pod scaling.
How etcd works with and without Kubernetes

Learn how Kubernetes uses etcd as a database by building (and breaking) a 3-node etcd cluster.
Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on Linode with Terraform

Learn how you can leverage Terraform and Linode LKE to provision identical clusters for development, staging and production environments with a single click.
Tracing the path of network traffic in Kubernetes

Learn how packets flow inside and outside a Kubernetes cluster. Starting from the initial web request and down to the container hosting the application
Developing and deploying Spring Boot microservices on Kubernetes

Learn how to design and architect Spring Boot microservices that leverage Kubernetes and scale to millions of requests.
Limiting access to Kubernetes resources with RBAC

Learn how to recreate the Kubernetes RBAC authorization model from scratch and practice the relationships between Roles, ServiceAccounts, RoleBindings, etc.
Designing and testing a highly available Kafka cluster on Kubernetes

Learn how to design a Kafka cluster to achieve high availability using standard kubernetes resources and test how it tolerates maintenance and total node failures.
Deploying Node.js apps in EKS

Learn how to deploy a Node.js app on Kubernetes with EKS and scale to millions of requests.
Scaling Node.js apps on Kubernetes

Learn how to scale a Node.js app on Kubernetes by making them stateless.
Deploying Node.js apps in a local Kubernetes cluster

Learn how to deploy a Node.js app on Kubernetes and scale to millions of requests.
Developing and packaging Node.js app with Docker

Learn how to develop and package Node.js apps that can be deployed into Kubernetes and scale to millions of requests.
User and workload identities in Kubernetes

In this article you will explore how users and workloads are authenticated with the Kubernes API server.
Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS with Terraform and EKS

Learn how you can leverage Terraform and EKS to provision identical clusters for development, staging and production environments with a single click.
Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS with Terraform and EKS

Learn how you can leverage Terraform and EKS to provision identical clusters for development, staging and production environments with a single click.
Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on GCP with Terraform and GKE

Learn how you can leverage Terraform and GKE to provision identical clusters for development, staging and production environments with a single click.
Architecting Kubernetes clusters — choosing a worker node size

What type of worker nodes should I use for my Kubernetes cluster? And how many of them?. This article looks at the pros and cons.
Graceful shutdown in Kubernetes

In this article, you will learn how to prevent broken connections when a Pod starts up or shuts down. You will also learn how to shut down long-running tasks gracefully.
A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments

Troubleshooting in Kubernetes can be a daunting task. In this article you will learn how to diagnose issues in Pods, Services and Ingress.
Allocatable memory and CPU in Kubernetes Nodes

Pods deployed in your Kubernetes cluster consume resources such as memory, CPU and storage. However, not all resources in a Node can be used to run Pods.
Load balancing and scaling long-lived connections in Kubernetes

Kubernetes doesn't load balance long-lived connections and some Pods might receive more requests than others. Learn how to fix that.


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지마켓 기술블로그

쿠버네티스 오퍼레이터를 Golang으로 개발해보기

안녕하세요. 이번 포스트는 쿠버네티스 오퍼레이터를 직접 구현해 보고, 개발한 오퍼레이터를 로컬 쿠버네티스 클러스터에 적용하는 과정까지 설명드리려고 합니다.예전에 지형님이 소개했었던 쿠버네티스 오퍼레이터 적용하기를 본 독자들이 있을 겁니다. 오퍼레이터는 커스텀 리소스(Custom Resource, CR)를 사용하여 미리 구성된 리소스들(Deployment, Service 등)을 관리하는 쿠버네티스 익스텐션 리소스입니다.커스텀 리소스 정의(Custom Resource Definition, CRD)를 통해 내가 만들고 싶은 커스텀 리소스의 스펙을 정의하고 오퍼레이터를 통해 커스텀 리소스의 세부 로직들을 수행합니다.나만의 오퍼레이터를 직접 구현하기 위해 프로그래밍 언어별 SDK들이 몇 개가 있습니다. Opera...

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.