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요즘 사람들의 IT 매거진, 요즘IT


Mac Control Keyboard Shortcuts – Hotkeys that Work Everywhere in MacOS

MacOS has several keyboard shortcuts that work everywhere – in your browser, in your terminal, in any place where you can input text. I call these the Control Hotkeys since they all involve holding the Control key. These shortcuts seem to originate…
How to Install Python on a Mac

Python is the most popular first language for programmers on a Mac. Until recently, the language's lack of standard development tooling, plus competing optional-but-essential development tools, meant a rocky start for Python beginners. To cut through the confusion, I'll show you an up-to-date approach to install Python and set
How to Fix Common Python Installation Errors on macOS

thon's popularity keeps growing as more developers adopt it for data science and machine learning, although it is already among the most popular programming languages. I recently wrote an article for freeCodeCamp titled 'How to Install Python on a Mac', which provides a clear guide to installing Python...


새로 산 맥북으로 쿠버네티스 클러스터 구축하기 (feat. arm64) | 요즘IT

새로 산 맥북으로 쿠버네티스 클러스터 구축하기 (feat. arm64)

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.