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How to Use Object-Oriented Programming in C# – Explained With Examples

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on object-oriented programming (OOP) using C#. This article will delve into the four fundamental pillars of OOP: * Inheritance * Encapsulation * Polymorphism * Abstraction Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a beginner stepping into the world of C#, this article...
How to Build CRUD Operations with .NET Core – A Todo API Handbook

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on building CRUD operations with .NET Core. We'll use a Todo API as our practical example so you can get hands-on experience as you learn. Throughout this tutorial, you'll learn how to create, read, update, and delete Todo items, and how to leverage Entity Framework...

John Reilly

Using Kernel Memory to Chunk Documents into Azure AI Search | johnnyreilly

To build RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) experiences, where LLMs can query documents, you need a strategy to chunk those documents. Kernel Memory supports this.

Code Maze - C#, .NET and Web Development Tutorials

What Is Continuous Integration and Why Do You Need It?

While not every project is destined to be a great success, Continuous Integration can drastically improve the success rate of any project.
Top 8 Continuous Integration Tools

Discover what the top 8 most used and well established continuous integration tools and find out how they can improve your software development process.
A Few Great Ways to Consume RESTful API in C#

RESTful APIs are an integral part of our lives. Because of that is important to know how to consume a RESTful API and which tools are at your disposal.
HTTP – Overview of the Basic Concepts

In the world driven by the Internet, messages are being sent between clients and servers countless times per day via HTTP.
The HTTP Reference

This HTTP reference is a compilation of all the HTTP Status Codes, Request Methods, Headers and MIME types in one place.
HTTP Architectural Aspects

HTTP cannot function by itself as an application protocol. It needs infrastructure that makes communication over the World Wide Web possible and efficient.
HTTP – Client Identification

Let's answer the question of why the client identification is so important and how can Web servers identify you (your Web client).
HTTP Authentication Mechanisms

HTTP has its own authentication mechanisms that allow the servers to issue challenges and get the proof they need to identify the users.
HTTP – Security, TLS, and Certificates

Do you really need HTTPS? In this article we're going to explore some HTTPS security basics and learn about its strengths and weaknesses.
ASP.NET Core Web API – Creating MySQL Database

Find out how to use Workbench with MySQL to create a database, create and populate tables and place relations between them, with the backup process.
ASP.NET Core Web API – .NET Service Configuration

Find out how to use Workbench with MySQL to create a database, create and populate tables and place relations between them, with the backup process.
ASP.NET Core Web API – Logging With NLog

Why is logging so important in a development and how to use NLog to create custom logging service in .NET Core application? Find out in his post.
Top REST API Best Practices

In this post, we will learn what REST really is and how to design your API using some of the REST API best practices compiled in one place.
ASP.NET Core Web API – Repository Pattern

Let's learn how to create a Repository pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API application and how to create a Repository layer to fetch the data from the database.
ASP.NET Core Web API – How to Handle Get Request

Learn how to handle Get Request in .NET Core by using previously created repository pattern for business logic and how to write great controller code.
Content Negotiation in Web API

Content negotiation is the process of selecting the best resource for a response when multiple resource representations are available.
ASP.NET Core Web API – Post, Put, Delete

Learn how to handle Get Request in .NET Core by using previously created repository pattern for business logic and how to write great controller code.
Angular Components and Project Preparation

This part is focused on the Angular project preparation and Angular components as well as installing and registering the third party libraries.
Angular Navigation and Routing

Find out how to create a navigation menu by using Bootstrap classes and how to use the Angular routing inside the project.
Angular HttpClient, Services and Environment Files

Find out how to create a repository with the Angular HttpClient, and how to use environment variables, by using services.
Angular Lazy Loading

Find out how to use angular modules, why are they important in our application and how to configure Angular Lazy Loading feature.
Angular Error Handling

This post is focused on Angular Error Handling while sending HTTP requests, by centralizing the error handling logic inside a service.
Angular Input and Output Decorators and Directives

Find out how to use Angular Input Output decorators in a combination with EventEmitter to provide the possibility to interact between components.
Angular Form Validation and POST Request

Find out how to prepare Angular Form Validation (Reactive approach) to validate our forms while combining the HTML template and Component.
Handling PUT Requests with Angular and ASP.NET Core Web API

This is focused on Angular PUT Actions by sending the PUT request. We are going to modify our entities and to use all the validations as well.
Working with Delete Requests in Angular

This post is focused on Angular Delete Actions by using the DELETE request. We are going to delete entities and to finish the coding part of the series.
ASP.NET Core Web API – IIS Deployment

In this post: IIS Deployment, we are going to deploy our .NET Core and Angular application to the IIS server. We will go through all the needed steps.
How to Prepare an ASP.NET Core Application for Dockerization

In this part of the series, we are preparing our ASP.NET Core application for the process of dockerization that we will perform later in the series.
ASP.NET Core Web API – Linux Deployment

This post is focused on .NET Core Linux Deployment. We will create a mysql database, install .net core, deploy the application and install nginx.
Adding MySQL to ASP.NET Core App With Docker Compose

In this post, we are going to add a MySQL database as another container and connect it with our application utilizing Docker Compose.
ASP.NET Core Web API Best Practices

Find out what we consider to be the Best Practices in .NET Core Web API. All the stated is our recommendation based on a development experience.
Continuous Integration with TeamCity and Docker

In this article, we are going to learn a bit about more advanced features of TeamCity, how to build Docker images and run integration tests.
How to Easily Create a PDF Document in ASP.NET Core Web API

Find out how to easily create a PDF document in ASP.NET Core Web API. Play with configuration, save, download or show PDF document in a web browser.
Using Property Mappings in AutoMapper To Define Mapping Rules

AutoMapper allows us to map two objects. Let's take a look at how to get the property mappings that have been defined using AutoMapper.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.