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Piccalilli - level up your front-end development skills

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DevTools Tips

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How to Add Media to Your HTML Email Template

In my previous article, we explored the fundamentals of designing and coding a simple HTML email template that adapts beautifully across different devices and email clients. I got a couple of questions about adding media to the HTML email template...
How to Create a Masonry Layout Using HTML and CSS

A masonry layout is a grid-based design where items are arranged in a way that minimizes vertical gaps between them. an example of a masonry layoutUnlike traditional grids with fixed row heights, masonry layouts adjust the positioning of items dynamically based on their content height, creating a visually appealing...
How to Use Breakpoints for Responsive Web Design

Breakpoints are fundamental to the concept of responsive web design. They enable websites to adapt seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. Breakpoints mark the points at which a website's layout and content should change to ensure optimal user experience on devices ranging from smartphones and tablets to desktop...

Frontend Masters Boost – Helping Your Journey to Senior Developer

Drawing a Line to Connect Elements with CSS Anchor Positioning

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) published a First Public Working Draft of CSS Anchor Positioning last year, so I thought I would give it a try. I already had a perfect candidate to try it on: a component on my other site,, which showcase my services by linking different words together. To link […]
A CSS-Powered Add/Remove Tags UI

Checkboxes and labels used to have to be right next to each other to be a potent UI duo. You could do trickery like this:
Things That Can Break aspect-ratio in CSS

CSS has an aspect-ratio property, which has had full support since around 2021. It can be a very satisfying property to use, because it can help match how your brain 🧠 works or what the desired des…
What’s Going On in Dark Theme / Light Theme Land

There has been a fresh round of enthusiasm and writing around light mode / dark mode support for the web lately. I think it’s driven partially by the new light-dark() function in CSS (CSS Color Module Level 5 spec) that makes it easier to declare values that change depending on the mode. Here’s the basic […]
Feedback on Masonry Layout

Jen Simmons posted Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout over on the WebKit blog the other day and is actively soliciting feedback. Our hope is that web designers and developers chime in (post to social media, write blog posts) with your thoughts about which direction CSS should take. Don’t mind if I do. Do […]
The HTML, CSS, and SVG for a Classic Search Form

Let’s build a search form that looks like this: That feels like the absolute bowl-it-down-the-middle search form right now. Looks good but nothing fancy. And yet, coding it in HTML and CSS I don’t think is perfectly intuitive and makes use of a handful of decently modern and slightly lesser used features. The Label-Wrapping HTML […]
Popover API is Here

Checkboxes and labels used to have to be right next to each other to be a potent UI duo. You could do trickery like this:
“Multiplexed” Fonts Have a Cool Superpower

Just to cut to the chase, the superpower is being able to adjust their weight (or at least one of their attributes, or as variable fonts call them, an “axis”) without changing the space they occupy. This means that interactive effect and animations can be done without worry for awkward reflow situations and performance problems. […]
Using the Popover API for HTML Tooltips

We can *mostly* use HTML alone for this API. But here, we'll use CSS to style the “links” within paragraphs and a js library to position them, in lieu of css anchoring.
Using CSS Scroll-Driven Animations for Section-Based Scroll Progress Indicators

A scroll progress indicator is a pretty straightforward thing to build with a scroll()-style scroll-driven animation. But here, we'll build indicators for each section of a page using the view() style.
The Classic Border Radius Advice, Plus an Unusual Trick

When you nest elements with border-radius, the inner element needs less radius than the outer element. This is some classic advice on this, and a future-looking fix.
We’ve Got Container Queries Now, But Are We Actually Using Them?

CSS developers got the ultimate dream: container queries. But now that they are here, are we actually reaching for them as much as we thought we would?
(Danger!) Preventing Zoom from Changing Text Size

Zooming in browsers is an accessibility feature. I’d say that any attempt to fight against it is bad form. Don’t do it. Leave it be. I have seen compelling examples of ways to code that work with browser zoom that help make a site look nicer when high levels of zoom are applied. But they […]
Animating the Dialog Element

It might seem like you could just set a transition on the opacity of the dialog element in CSS from 0 to 1, but it doesn't work. You'll need to learn about @starting-style, and the overlay and allow-discrete keywords.
How to Make a CSS Timer

Let's look at using CSS as an efficient alternative to JavaScript for creating simple timers. We'll use modern CSS properties like @property, @keyframes, and pseudo-elements with counter() values.
Live Demos of Stand Alone Web Components

A stand alone web component is a that provides some design or functionality but has little by way of dependencies, strong opinions, heavy design. in other words, components could easily imagine sliding into any project without much trouble.
One of the Boss Battles of CSS is Almost Won! Transitioning to Auto

The experimental CSS function `calc-size(auto)` allows transitions from zero to a specified value. Animating elements from zero to their intrinsic size has long been desired by CSS developers.
Footnotes Progressively Enhanced to Popovers

Michelle Barker's technique for popover footnotes is great. Here we look at ways we could fight the content duplication. There are ups and downs.
Pure CSS Circular Text (without Requiring a Monospace Font)

Setting text on a circle in CSS isn't straightforward, but it is possible with some effort. This technique splits text into segments and uses transforms and perspective to pull it off.
Popovers Work Pretty Nicely as Slide-Out Drawers

Especially on mobile, the slide-out drawer UI/UX seems like a perfect fit for a popover, and works fine on desktop too.

Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers

The Modern Guide For Making CSS Shapes

In this comprehensive guide, Temani Afif explores different techniques for creating common shapes with the smallest and most flexible code possible.
The Times You Need A Custom @property Instead Of A CSS Variable

Preethi Sam walks through an example that demonstrates where custom properties are more suitable than variables while showcasing the greater freedom and flexibility that custom properties provide for designing complex, refined animations.
Beyond CSS Media Queries

Juan Diego Rodriguez explains why media queries still occupy a vital role in responsive layouts; only they are now one tool in a larger toolbox with modern techniques that are best when used together.
Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That

It’s easy to get lost in a sea of CSS frameworks and libraries, each promising easier styling and smoother layouts. Brecht De Ruyte demonstrates four CSS utility classes (plus a bonus) using techniques that allow them to be used practically anywhere you need a particular layout — be it Grid or Flexbox — with configurable options.
Switching It Up With HTML’s Latest Control

After years of relying on checkbox hacks to create a “switch” control for forms that toggle between two states, HTML may be gaining a native way to go about it by adding a `switch` attribute to checkbox inputs. Daniel Yuschick walks us through a first impression of switch controls and discusses current and ongoing considerations that need to be explored further before it is ready for prime time.
Useful CSS Tips And Techniques

The times for CSS have probably never been more exciting than today. In this quick read, we’ve got some useful CSS tips and techniques for you that you can apply to your work right away. Let’s dive deeper into self-modifying CSS variables, hanging punctuation, and more.


UI 라이브러리 개발 일지: HTML 푸터 배치와 설계 원칙 | 요즘IT

UI 라이브러리 개발 일지: HTML 푸터 배치와 설계 원칙

Piccalilli - level up your front-end development skills

How we’re approaching theming with modern CSS | Piccalilli

How we’re approaching theming with modern CSS
A primer on the cascade and specificity | Piccalilli

A primer on the cascade and specificity
CSS inheritance | Piccalilli

CSS inheritance
I’m worried about the tabbing behaviour, rather than the syntax and name of CSS masonry | Piccalilli

I’m worried about the tabbing behaviour, rather than the syntax and name of CSS masonry

NHN Cloud Meetup - NHN 기술 블로그

가볍게 살펴보는 새로운 한/글 파일 포맷 HWPX | NHN Cloud Meetup

가볍게 살펴보는 새로운 한/글 파일 포맷 HWPX


Quick Tip: How to Align Column Rows with CSS Subgrid — SitePoint

In this quick tip, we'll look at how to use the subgrid feature of CSS Grid to align the content of boxes that sit side by side.
A Complete Guide to CSS Logical Properties, with Cheat Sheet — SitePoint

In this quick tip, we'll look at how to use the subgrid feature of CSS Grid to align the content of boxes that sit side by side.
Quick Tip: How to Animate Text Gradients and Patterns in CSS - SitePoint

In this quick tip, we show how easy it is to add animated background gradients and images to text on the Web, with handy demos.
Creating Fluid Typography with the CSS clamp() Function - SitePoint

We dive into the intricacies of how to use the CSS clamp() function to scale the size of text across a range of device sizes.

DevTools Tips

Disable all CSS styles on the page

Devtools Tips > Disable all CSS styles on the page
Find why a CSS property is overridden

Devtools Tips > Find why a CSS property is overridden

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.