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Code Maze - C#, .NET and Web Development Tutorials
Welcome to Code Maze. Here, you can find C#, .NET and Web Development tutorials. Join millions of readers from all over the world.

Code Maze - C#, .NET and Web Development Tutorials

Angular Components and Project Preparation

This part is focused on the Angular project preparation and Angular components as well as installing and registering the third party libraries.
Angular Navigation and Routing

Find out how to create a navigation menu by using Bootstrap classes and how to use the Angular routing inside the project.
Angular HttpClient, Services and Environment Files

Find out how to create a repository with the Angular HttpClient, and how to use environment variables, by using services.
Angular Lazy Loading

Find out how to use angular modules, why are they important in our application and how to configure Angular Lazy Loading feature.
Angular Error Handling

This post is focused on Angular Error Handling while sending HTTP requests, by centralizing the error handling logic inside a service.
Angular Input and Output Decorators and Directives

Find out how to use Angular Input Output decorators in a combination with EventEmitter to provide the possibility to interact between components.
Angular Form Validation and POST Request

Find out how to prepare Angular Form Validation (Reactive approach) to validate our forms while combining the HTML template and Component.
Handling PUT Requests with Angular and ASP.NET Core Web API

This is focused on Angular PUT Actions by sending the PUT request. We are going to modify our entities and to use all the validations as well.
Working with Delete Requests in Angular

This post is focused on Angular Delete Actions by using the DELETE request. We are going to delete entities and to finish the coding part of the series.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.