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freeCodeCamp Programming Tutorials: Python, JavaScript, Git & More
Browse thousands of programming tutorials written by experts. Learn Web Development, Data Science, DevOps, Security, and get developer career advice.
Frontend Masters Boost – Helping Your Journey to Senior Developer
Helping Your Journey to Senior Developer
Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Magazine on CSS, JavaScript, front-end, accessibility, UX and design. For developers, designers and front-end engineers.
Learnk8s — the Kubernetes training company
We help you get started on your Kubernetes journey through comprehensive online, in person or remote training.
Milan Jovanović | Helping You Become a Better .NET Engineer
The .NET Weekly is a newsletter that delivers 1 practical tip on .NET & sofwtare architecture that you can easily implement.
Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides
Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks.
SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design
Learn Web Design & Development with SitePoint tutorials, courses and books - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, mobile app development, Responsive Web Design
DevTools Tips
The collection of tips useful for web development.
요즘 사람들의 IT 매거진, 요즘IT
카카오테크, 미래의 문턱을 낮추는 기술
미래의 문턱을 낮추는 기술
SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design
Learn Web Design & Development with SitePoint tutorials, courses and books - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, mobile app development, Responsive Web Design
johnnyreilly | johnnyreilly
The blog of John Reilly ❤️🌻
NHN Cloud Meetup - NHN 기술 블로그
기술을 공유하고 함께 성장해가는 개발 문화, NHN이 추구하는 가치입니다.
What is Dead Zone in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, you may encounter the term 'dead zone' While it might sound tricky, understanding dead zones is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore what dead zones are, how they affect your code, and how to navigate them effectively.
How to Run a Postgres Database in Azure Kubernetes Service and Integrate it with a Node.js Express Application
Hey everyone! Today, you're going to learn about deploying a Postgres container in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and connecting it to a Node.js application. In this fast-paced development landscape, deploying via containers, particularly with Kubernetes, is becoming increasingly popular. Some companies perform numerous deployments daily, so it's crucial for you...
How to Create a REST API Without a Server
If you're a Front-End developer and want to showcase your skills, it may be a problem if you use GitHub pages or Netlify to show your apps. Instead, you can create a REST API directly in the browser without the need of any server. With this, you can showcase...
A Guide to the Node.js Event Loop
Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript outside the browser. Although Node.js is single-threaded, it has an event loop that makes it multi-threaded. The Node.js event loop is a crucial mechanism in Node.js that makes Node.js programs run concurrently and asynchronously. Mastering the Node.js...
How to Build an EKS Cluster Across AWS Local Zones using the AWS CDK
AWS Local Zones are a new type of infrastructure that enables you to build and run applications closer to end-users, providing low latency and improved performance. They are designed to provide the same high availability and reliability as an AWS Region, but with the added benefit of low-latency connections...
Learn Three.js By Building Five Projects
Three.js is a powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating 3D graphics in the browser. We just released a video course on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to use Three.js by guiding you through build...
How to Use Time To Live in Event-Driven Architecture in AWS
Distributed systems generally involve the storage and exchange of huge amounts of data. Not all data is created the same, and some of it can even expire – by design. As the Buddha said, 'All conditioned things are impermanent.' In this article, we'll look at how the concept of...
How to Build a RAG Chatbot with Agent Cloud and Google Sheets
Today's companies are data factories. Every interaction, transaction, and internal process generates a constant stream of information. This data holds immense value, promising to improve decision-making, streamline operations, and unlock deep customer insights. But data often remains siloed and inaccessible. It may be spread across different departments and systems...
How to Improve Your JavaScript Code with Powerful Build Tool Configs
I have been a frontend developer for over 6 years now, mostly working with Javascript, TypeScript, and React. When stepping into the world of the front end, the number of libraries and build tools available can be overwhelming – especially since each has its own configuration options. At first these...
How to Upload Large Files Efficiently with AWS S3 Multipart Upload
Imagine running a media streaming platform where users upload large high-definition videos. Uploading such large files can be slow and may fail if the network is unreliable. Using traditional single-part uploads can be cumbersome and inefficient for large files, often leading to timeout errors or the need to restart...
How to Set Up a CI/CD Pipeline with Husky and GitHub Actions
CI/CD is a core practice in the modern software development ecosystem. It helps agile teams deliver high-quality software in short release cycles. In this tutorial, you'll learn what CI/CD is, and I'll help you set up a CI/CD pipeline using Husky and GitHub Actions in a Next.js application. This...
How to Deploy Your Node.js App on Azure
The advent of cloud computing marked a turning point in the field of technology. It provides easier access for users across the globe to web and mobile applications and services. Modern-day computing services also provide a wide range of features which make web apps easier to use and more...
Learn JavaScript Reactivity: How to Build Signals from Scratch
If you're learning JavaScript, you may have heard the terms reactivity or signals. But perhaps you haven't gotten to use them in practice yet. If so – or if you just want to learn more about these concepts – you're in the right place. In this article, you'll learn...
How to Build an Application With Node.js
Node.js it’s a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code on the server side for building server-side applications. It works well for creating fast and scalable applications. In this article, I will use a simple event management app as an example to show you how to build...
Create a PC game using JavaScript
Did you know you can create PC games using JavaScript? We just published a course on the YouTube channel that will teach you all about making a Flappy Bird-like game in JavaScript with the KAPLAY library, and how to use Tauri to pack...
How to Get Your MongoDB URL to Connect to Your Node.js Application – A Step-by-Step Guide
In my previous article about building a Node.js application, I didn’t fully explain how to obtain the MongoDB URL, as I wanted to keep the article concise. However, I realized that this information is essential for saving data to MongoDB. In this art...
How to Implement Message Queues in Your Backend Applications
The goal of every web developer is to create a product that appeals to a wide range of users. However, this comes with its problems, chief among them being scalability issues to meet overwhelming user demands. If not addressed, this can result in a d...
How to Read and Write Files with Node.js
Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime environment that lets you run JS code outside the browser. And a fundamental part of many Node.js applications involves reading and writing files – whether that's text, JSON, HTML, or other file formats. So yo...
How to Build a Serverless CRUD REST API with the Serverless Framework, Node.js, and GitHub Actions
Serverless computing emerged as a response to the challenges of traditional server-based architectures. With serverless, developers no longer need to manage or scale servers manually. Instead, cloud providers handle infrastructure management, allowin...
How to Implement API Rate Limiting in Strapi CMS
Implementing rate limiting in web applications is a necessary web development best practice. In an article published earlier, I delved deep into the benefits and real life use cases of API rate limiting. Some of the benefits include its use by develo...
How to Handle Side Effects in Jest – A Guide to Effective Mocking
Unit testing is a major topic for every developer. It is a fundamental practice in building software applications. Unit testing helps you to identify bugs early and makes code maintenance easier. By isolating and testing single units or components of...
How AI Tools Can Help You Reuse Code
Reusing code is an important part of software development. Instead of writing the same code again and again, developers can save time and effort by using code that already works. This not only speeds up the development process but also helps improve ...
How to Improve Your Front-End Development Workflow with the ZenUI Library
Hello everyone! In this guide, you’ll learn about the powerful ZenUI Library. It’s a comprehensive, free collection of UI components and templates designed to enhance your development workflow and elevate your projects. Whether you’re a developer loo...
Understand How Express.js Works by Building Your Own Server Multiplexer from Scratch
Kata Machines have become the go-to method for mastering tough concepts, and it's hard to find a better tool for deliberate practice. If you haven’t come across a kata yet, trust me—you will soon enough. There’s a reason why developers love katas, wh...
Frontend Masters Boost – Helping Your Journey to Senior Developer
Introducing Drizzle
Drizzle is a new ORM tool that blends traditional ORM querying with a typed SQL API. Drizzle supports various databases (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite) and aims to simplify SQL crafting while avoiding common ORM pitfalls.
The Pitfalls of In-App Browsers
You should know that in-app browser can and do literally inject JavaScript into the websites you visit with them with tracking scripts from the app you're inside of. And that's just one thing that sucks about them.
DigitalOcean | Cloud Infrastructure for Developers
How To Use SQLite with Node.js on Ubuntu 22.04 | DigitalOcean
In this tutorial, readers will use node-sqlite3 to create a connection with an SQLite database. Next, they’ll create a Node.js app that creates a table and i…
How To Scale Node.js Applications with Clustering | DigitalOcean
In this tutorial, you will scale a Node.js application using the cluster module on a machine with four or more CPUs. You’ll create an application that does n…
Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
The Era Of Platform Primitives Is Finally Here
Application frameworks have built whole ecosystems on top of them. Let’s take a closer look at serverless platforms such as Netlify’s [Platform Primitives]( and explore how they can increase our productivity with a serverless fullstack experience.
Learnk8s — the Kubernetes training company
Templating YAML in Kubernetes with real code
Learn how you can parametrise resource definitions with yq, kustomize and real code.
Deploying Node.js apps in EKS
Learn how to deploy a Node.js app on Kubernetes with EKS and scale to millions of requests.
Scaling Node.js apps on Kubernetes
Learn how to scale a Node.js app on Kubernetes by making them stateless.
Deploying Node.js apps in a local Kubernetes cluster
Learn how to deploy a Node.js app on Kubernetes and scale to millions of requests.
Developing and packaging Node.js app with Docker
Learn how to develop and package Node.js apps that can be deployed into Kubernetes and scale to millions of requests.
Milan Jovanović | Helping You Become a Better .NET Engineer
Horizontally Scaling ASP.NET Core APIs With YARP Load Balancing
When a single server reaches its limits, performance degrades, leading to slow response times, errors, or complete downtime. We'll dive into load balancing, why it matters, and how YARP simplifies the process for .NET applications.
How I Implemented Full-Text Search On My Website
This article walks you through how I used Lunr.js to add powerful search capabilities to a Next.js static site, dealing with challenges like client-side processing and optimizing for performance along the way.
Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides
How to Minify CSS and JS Files Using Linux Command Line
This article will guide you through the process of minifying CSS and JS files using the Linux command line interface (CLI) with UglifyJS and UglifyCSS tools.
5 Exciting New JavaScript Features in 2024 — SitePoint
Explore some hotly anticipated new additions to JavaScript, including better date management with the Temporal API and pipe operators.
Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz
Pongo - Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits -
Pongo - Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits
Event Sourcing on PostgreSQL in Node.js just became possible with Emmett -
Event Sourcing on PostgreSQL in Node.js just became possible with Emmett
Writing and testing event-driven projections with Emmett, Pongo and PostgreSQL -
Writing and testing event-driven projections with Emmett, Pongo and PostgreSQL
Canvas API로 가을을 표현해 본다면? | 요즘IT
Canvas API로 가을을 표현해 본다면?
프론트엔드 개발자가 API를 설계하는 이유 | 요즘IT
프론트엔드 개발자가 API를 설계하는 이유
편리한 API 제너레이터 ‘swagger-typescript-api’ | 요즘IT
편리한 API 제너레이터 ‘swagger-typescript-api’
가독성 좋은 테스트 코드를 작성하는 방법 | 요즘IT
가독성 좋은 테스트 코드를 작성하는 방법
프론트엔드 개발자가 알아야 할 '유닛 테스트' 작성법 | 요즘IT
프론트엔드 개발자가 알아야 할 '유닛 테스트' 작성법
SSR 환경(Node.js) 메모리 누수 디버깅 가이드 (1) | 요즘IT
SSR 환경(Node.js) 메모리 누수 디버깅 가이드 (1)
SSR 환경(Node.js) 메모리 누수 디버깅 가이드 (2) | 요즘IT
SSR 환경(Node.js) 메모리 누수 디버깅 가이드 (2)
HTTP에서 HTTPS로 API 요청하기(feat. Vite Proxy) | 요즘IT
HTTP에서 HTTPS로 API 요청하기(feat. Vite Proxy)
Node.js 환경에서 손쉽게 메시지 큐 도입하기(feat. BullMQ) | 요즘IT
Node.js 환경에서 손쉽게 메시지 큐 도입하기(feat. BullMQ)
카카오테크, 미래의 문턱을 낮추는 기술
CommonJS에서 ESM으로 전환하기
안녕하세요, FE플랫폼팀에서 FE 개발자를 위한 개발을 담당하는 Ethan입니다...
User-Agent Client Hints의 도입, UA 프리징을 대비하라 | NAVER D2
User-Agent Client Hints의 도입, UA 프리징을 대비하라
우아한형제들 기술블로그
Vite로 구버전 브라우저 지원하기 | 우아한형제들 기술블로그
Vite로 구버전 브라우저 지원하기
카카오엔터테인먼트 FE 기술블로그
AWS amplify로 서버리스 웹 애플리케이션 구축하기 | 카카오엔터테인먼트 FE 기술블로그
프런트엔드 개발자가 어느 날 기똥찬 웹 애플리케이션 아이디어가 떠올랐다면, 제일 먼저 드는 생각은 '백엔드 개발을 누군가 해줬으면 좋겠다' 일 겁니다.
BackstopJS 적용 후기 (Visual Regression Test) | 카카오엔터테인먼트 FE 기술블로그
이번 글에서는 BackstopJS 적용 이후 6개월 동안 카카오엔터테인먼트 스토리 FE팀에선 BackstopJS를 활용하며 어떤 식으로 도움이 되었는지 살펴보고, 겪었던 이슈와 테스트에 자동화를 적용한 사례를 소개하도록 하겠습니다.
John Reilly
Overview of webpack, a JavaScript bundler | johnnyreilly
webpack is a JavaScript bundler that helps you bundle your code into a single file. It's a great tool for optimizing your code and improving performance.
NHN Cloud Meetup - NHN 기술 블로그
ES6의 제너레이터를 사용한 비동기 프로그래밍 | NHN Cloud Meetup
ES6의 제너레이터를 사용한 비동기 프로그래밍
지금 바로 시작하는 ES6 | NHN Cloud Meetup
지금 바로 시작하는 ES6
Turborepo로 모노레포 개발 경험 향상하기
안녕하세요. 저는 LINE+ UIT 조직에서 프런트엔드 개발을 하고 있는 이상철입니다. 저는 UVP(Universal Video Player)라는 사내 동영상 컴포넌트 라이브러리를 모노레포 환경에서 개발하고 있는데요. 어떻게 하면 모노레포를 조금 더 잘 활용할 수 있...