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How to Parse a String in Python – Parsing Strings Explained

Parsing a string can mean different things in Python. You can parse a string by splitting or extracting the substrings. You can also parse a string by converting it to an integer or float variable. Although this should be categorized as a type conversion operation, you'll come across resources...
Check Python Version – How to Check Py in Mac, Windows, and Linux

Python is a versatile and widely used programming language known for its simplicity and readability. With its ever-evolving nature, different versions of Python are often released, each offering new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. As a Python developer, it is crucial to be aware of the Python version...
How to Use Object-Oriented Programming in Python – Explained With Examples

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a style of programming that heavily relies on objects. These objects can have attributes and methods. While attributes store data, methods define behavior. Like many other programming languages, Python supports both OOP and functional programming. However, OOP becomes valuable when writing large-sized and complex programs. In...
How to Use DefaultDict in Python

Throughout my time working with datasets in Python, the dictionary has been my most used data structure. It’s versatile and easy to use. Need to count occurrences of a character? Use a dictionary! Want to create a list of soccer players and associated stats? Dictionary! They’re not fool-proof, though. In...
Data Analysis with Python – How I Analyzed My Empire State Building Run-Up Performance

A tower running race is a race that you run up the stairs of a building. These happen around the world. I got the chance to participate in the Empire State Run Up in NYC, 2023 edition. > The Empire State Building Run-Up (ESBRU)—the world’s first and most
How to Install Python on a Mac

Python is the most popular first language for programmers on a Mac. Until recently, the language's lack of standard development tooling, plus competing optional-but-essential development tools, meant a rocky start for Python beginners. To cut through the confusion, I'll show you an up-to-date approach to install Python and set...
How to Use AI to Automate Unit Testing with TestGen-LLM and Cover-Agent

PytIt's important to write clear and efficient unit tests that actually work during the software development process. Unit tests separate out individual code elements and confirm that they work as intended. Effective unit tests not only catch errors but also help you be confident that your code can be...
Applied Data Science with Python – Business Intelligence for Developers [Full Book]

In the high-stakes game of modern business, data isn't just an asset – it's the power you need to outpace your competition. But as a developer, you know that turning raw data into actionable insights can be a frustrating battle. Imagine having the power to effortlessly transform raw data into...
Python Coding Challenges For Beginner Developers – Code and Explanations

Learning Python can be challenging, especially if you're not actually writing enough code. As a beginner, you may go through lessons and tutorials without practicing on your own – and this makes it harder to learn the language. The truth is, you cannot truly learn programming without writing code. It...
How to Write Unit Tests in Python – with Example Test Code

Unit testing is a software testing technique in which individual components or units of a software application are tested independently from the rest of the application. In software development, it's beneficial to break your application into small, isolated units. This approach allows you to write independent tests to check...
How to Fix Common Python Installation Errors on macOS

thon's popularity keeps growing as more developers adopt it for data science and machine learning, although it is already among the most popular programming languages. I recently wrote an article for freeCodeCamp titled 'How to Install Python on a Mac', which provides a clear guide to installing Python...
Learn Python for Data Science – Hands-on Projects with EDA, AB Testing & Business Intelligence

Data science skills are increasingly in-demand. We just published a hands-son data science with Python course on the YouTube channel. This comprehensive, 5.5+ hour course is designed to provide aspiring data scientists with essential...
Next-Gen Large Language Models: The Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Handbook

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) signifies a transformative advancement in large language models (LLMs). It combines the generative prowess of transformer architectures with dynamic information retrieval. This integration allows LLMs to access and incorporate relevant external knowledge during text generation, resulting in outputs that are more accurate, contextual, and factually...
Lambda Functions in Python – How to Use Lambdas with Map, Filter, and Reduce

In this tutorial, we will explore the various aspects of lambda functions in Python, including their syntax, use cases, and limitations. By understanding how to effectively utilize lambda functions, you can write more concise and efficient Python code. This will enhance your programming skills and make your codebase cleaner...
How the Black-Scholes Equation Works – Explained with Python Code Examples

The Black-Scholes Equation is probably one of the most influential equations that nobody has heard about...
How to Handle KeyErrors in Python – with Code Examples

When working with dictionaries in Python, you’d often run into KeyError exceptions. Dictionaries are built-in data structures of key value pairs. So you can look up a value—in constant time—using the corresponding key like so: dict[key] returns value. But what if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary...
First-Class Functions, Higher-Order Functions, and Closures in Python – Explained with Code Examples

In modern programming, it's important to understand concepts like first-class functions, higher-order functions, and closures. These ideas help us write flexible and efficient code. They're also the building blocks for many advanced coding techniques. First-class functions and higher-order functions allow us to treat functions as variables, making our code more...
What are Decorators in Python? Explained with Code Examples

In this tutorial, you will learn about Python decorators: what they are, how they work, and when to use them. But before diving into decorators, it's helpful to understand two foundational concepts in Python: first-class functions and closures. First-Class Functions in Python First-class functions mean that functions in Python...
How Does Python's For-Else Loop Construct Work?

Python supports the for-else loop construct that is lesser known but super helpful. If you’ve programmed in Python, you may have used the for loop to iterate over items in iterables such as lists. But for some use cases, using the for loop in conjunction with the else clause can...
PySpark for Beginners – How to Process Data with Apache Spark & Python

If you’re diving into the world of big data, you’ve probably come across the term PySpark. PySpark is a tool that makes managing and analyzing large datasets easier. In this article, we will see the basics of PySpark, its benefits, and how you can get started with it. What is...

DigitalOcean | Cloud Infrastructure for Developers

Python Pretty Print JSON | DigitalOcean

Technical tutorials, Q&A, events — This is an inclusive place where developers can find or lend support and discover new ways to contribute to the community…
How To Use Break, Continue, and Pass Statements when Working with Loops in Python | DigitalOcean

In this tutorial, we will go over the break, continue, and pass statements in Python, which will allow you to use for and while loops more effectively in you…


개발 런타임 환경 구축하기 - 파이썬 pyenv편 | 요즘IT

개발 런타임 환경 구축하기 - 파이썬 pyenv편
지속가능한 코드리뷰 문화를 만드는 여정 | 요즘IT

지속가능한 코드리뷰 문화를 만드는 여정
파이썬 애플리케이션 배포하기 - pipx 편 | 요즘IT

파이썬 애플리케이션 배포하기 - pipx 편
데브섹옵스 실현을 위한 '정적 보안 테스팅(SAST)' | 요즘IT

데브섹옵스 실현을 위한 '정적 보안 테스팅(SAST)'
정적 파일만 있는 사이트를 어떻게 구동시킬까? | 요즘IT

정적 파일만 있는 사이트를 어떻게 구동시킬까?

NHN Cloud Meetup - NHN 기술 블로그

디스어셈블 프레임워크 Capstone-engine 활용하기 | NHN Cloud Meetup

디스어셈블 프레임워크 Capstone-engine 활용하기

AB180 엔지니어링 베이스 | 기술블로그

모니터링은 마틴 파울러처럼: Domain-Oriented Observability 도입기

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.