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요즘 사람들의 IT 매거진, 요즘IT


Procedural Macros in Rust – A Handbook for Beginners

In this handbook, you'll learn about procedural macros in Rust, and what purposes they serve. You'll also learn how to write your own procedural macros with both hypothetical and real-world examples. This guide assumes that you're familiar with Rust and its basic concepts, such as data-types, iterators, and traits. If...
Rust Tutorial – Learn Advanced Iterators & Pattern Matching by Building a JSON Parser

Iterators and match patterns are two of the most used language features in Rust. If you have written any real world application, big or small, chances are that you've already used these, whether knowingly or unknowingly. In this tutorial, I aim to help you understand how they actually work, the...
How to Build and Deploy a Smart Contract With Rust and the Gear Protocol

Smart contracts are like digital agreements that run on blockchain technology, making transactions automatic and secure. While many people use Ethereum and Solidity to create these contracts, there are other options that can be just as powerful. One great combination is using Rust with the Gear Protocol. In this...


Rust는 C++을 대체할 수 있을까? | 요즘IT

Rust는 C++을 대체할 수 있을까?

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.