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02G. Save Time with the grid-template Shorthand

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02G. Save Time with the grid-template Shorthand ๊ด€๋ จ

Mastering CSS Grid | Colt Steele

Learn web development with Colt Steele

Save Time with the grid-template Shorthand | Colt Steele
So far we've been defining rows and columns manually. The `grid-template` shorthand allows us to define both at once.

So far we've mostly been setting rows and columns individually, though we have also seen the grid-template shorthand property.

The grid-template property is a shorthand property for setting various aspects of a grid layout, including rows and columns.

There are many ways to use it, but the simplest way is to provide a list of rows followed by a slash and then a list of column values.

Say we want five 200px rows, and two 500px columns.

The CSS would look like this:

์ด์ฐฌํฌ (MarkiiimarK)
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