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2. Containerizing and playing Clumsy-Bird

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2. Containerizing and playing Clumsy-Bird ๊ด€๋ จ

Containerize Your Application With Buildah And Podman


The Clumsy Bird Game has already been installed in the setup and We can't start with Building the Containers

Step 1

We'll use UBI9 as the base image for our container. We'll use the following Buildah command to create the container:

buildah from
# ubi-working-container-1

Buildah adds -working-container-1 for unique name to avoid duplication after creating a container

Step 2

Now that the container is ready, install Apache and enable it as a service:

buildah run ubi-working-container-1 -- dnf -y install httpd

Step 3

Enable Apache service in container for start automatically after boot:

buildah run ubi-working-container-1 -- systemctl enable httpd
# Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ โ†’ /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.

Step 4

Now that Apache is running in a container, copy Clumsy-bird game to Apache's document root (/var/www/html) for access.

To copy the content, we'll use the following command:

buildah copy ubi-working-container-1 clumsy-bird /var/www/html
# 54246f8c1c828958d56ab873d8db8a890eaa29b88646b1177785495d285afb07

Step 5

Start container with web app running as a background service:

buildah config --port 80 --cmd "/usr/sbin/init" ubi-working-container-1

This command configures the container to:

  1. accept connections on port 80 (for HTTP access via web browser)
  2. run '/usr/sbin/init' at startup to start system services (such as Apache) in the background.

Step 6

Commit container changes using the command:

buildah commit ubi-working-container-1 clumsy-bird
# Getting image source signatures
# Copying blob c662a0c69917 skipped: already exists  
# Copying blob 82541ac8604d done  
# Copying config ad90e161ba done  
# Writing manifest to image destination
# Storing signatures
# ad90e161bab65f9e034613771004e6a3952eaca78279f9bc7d2bdaa7c9ce2bd2

Step 7

Now it's time to run the container. We'll use the following command to run the container:

podman run --name clumsy-bird -d -p 8080:80 clumsy-bird
# 57e85d42b6df9382d038bdd814368c7d92ef95b4da3ba2068ae84eb45af28920

This command starts new container 'clumsy-bird' from image, run in detached mode with port mapping (-p 8080:80) to route incoming connections to container's port 80.

Step 8

Now that it's running, we can go over to the next instruqt tab where weโ€™ll see the JavaScript application up and running at http://localhost:8080 You can also verify that the container is running with the command

podman ps
# CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                         COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                 NAMES
# 60232d68c3b4  localhost/moon-buggy:latest   /usr/bin/moon-bug...  7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes                         moon-buggy
# 57e85d42b6df  localhost/clumsy-bird:latest  /usr/sbin/init        13 seconds ago  Up 13 seconds>80/tcp  clumsy-bird

์ด์ฐฌํฌ (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.