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Day 49

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Project 10, part 1

100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 49

Project 10, part 1

You’ve had a couple of days away from following projects, and I hope you used them to review what you’ve learned, write your own code for a while, and reflect on what was said in yesterday’s videos.

As the late, great Zig Ziglar said, “there are two sure ways to fail: think and never do, or do and never think.” Well, today is very much back to being a “do” day: we have a new project to build, which in turns means some new techniques to learn.

In particular, we’re going to go even deeper into Codable so you can get a feel for what’s happening behind the scenes when Swift can synthesize functionality for us. This is another step towards demystifying Swift and SwiftUI – it’s great to be able to rely on our tools to do work for us, but it’s also important to understand what they are doing.

Today you have five topics to work through, in which you’ll learn about custom Codable implementations, URLSession, the disabled() modifier, and more.

Cupcake Corner: Introduction

Cupcake Corner: Introduction
100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 49 - Cupcake Corner: Introduction

Cupcake Corner: Introduction

In this project we’re going to build a multi-screen app for ordering cupcakes. This will use a couple of forms, which are old news for you, but you’re also going to learn how to make classes conform to Codable when they have @Published properties, how to send and receive the order data from the internet, how to validate forms, and more.

As we continue to dig deeper and deeper into Codable, I hope you’ll continue to be impressed by how flexible and safe it is. In particular, I’d like you to keep in mind how very different it is from the much older UserDefaults API – it’s so nice not having to worry about typing strings exactly correctly!

Anyway, we have lots to get through so let’s get started: create a new iOS app using the App template, and name it CupcakeCorner. If you haven’t already downloaded the project files for this book, please fetch them now: twostraws/HackingWithSwiftopen in new window

As always we’re going to start with the new techniques you’ll need for the project

Adding Codable conformance for @Published properties

Adding Codable conformance for @Published properties
100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 49 - Adding Codable conformance for @Published properties

Adding Codable conformance for @Published properties

If all the properties of a type already conform to Codable, then the type itself can conform to Codable with no extra work – Swift will synthesize the code required to archive and unarchive your type as needed. However, this doesn’t work when we use property wrappers such as @Published, which means conforming to Codable requires some extra work on our behalf.

To fix this, we need to implement Codable conformance ourself. This will fix the @Published encoding problem, but is also a valuable skill to have elsewhere too because it lets us control exactly what data is saved and how it happens.

First let’s create a simple type that recreates the problem. Add this class to ContentView.swift:

class User: ObservableObject, Codable {
    var name = "Paul Hudson"

That will compile just fine, because String conforms to Codable out of the box. However, if we make it @Published then the code no longer compiles:

class User: ObservableObject, Codable {
    @Published var name = "Paul Hudson"

The @Published property wrapper isn’t magic – the name property wrapper comes from the fact that our name property is automatically wrapped inside another type that adds some additional functionality. In the case of @Published that’s a struct called Published that can store any kind of value.

Previously we looked at how we can write generic methods that work with any kind of value, and the Published struct takes that a step further: the whole type itself is generic, meaning that you can’t make an instance of Published all by itself, but instead make an instance of Published<String> – a publishable object that contains a string.

If that sounds confusing, back up: it’s actually a fairly fundamental principle of Swift, and one you’ve been working with for some time. Think about it – we can’t say var names: Set, can we? Swift doesn’t allow it; Swift wants to know what’s in the set. This is because Set is also a generic type: you must make an instance of Set<String>. The same is also true of arrays and dictionaries: we always make them have something specific inside.

Swift already has rules in place that say if an array contains Codable types then the whole array is Codable, and the same for dictionaries and sets. However, SwiftUI doesn’t provide the same functionality for its Published struct – it has no rule saying “if the published object is Codable, then the published struct itself is also Codable.”

As a result, we need to make the type conform ourselves: we need to tell Swift which properties should be loaded and saved, and how to do both of those actions.

None of those steps are terribly hard, so let’s just dive in with the first one: telling Swift which properties should be loaded and saved. This is done using an enum that conforms to a special protocol called CodingKey, which means that every case in our enum is the name of a property we want to load and save. This enum is conventionally called CodingKeys, with an S on the end, but you can call it something else if you want.

So, our first step is to create a CodingKeys enum that conforms to CodingKey, listing all the properties we want to archive and unarchive. Add this inside the User class now:

enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
    case name

The next task is to create a custom initializer that will be given some sort of container, and use that to read values for all our properties. This will involve learning a few new things, but let’s look at the code first – add this initializer to User now:

required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
    let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
    name = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)

Even though that isn’t much code, there are at least four new things in there.

First, this initializer is handed an instance of a new type called Decoder. This contains all our data, but it’s down to us to figure out how to read it.

Second, anyone who subclasses our User class must override this initializer with a custom implementation to make sure they add their own values. We mark this using the required keyword: required init. An alternative is to mark this class as final so that subclassing isn’t allowed, in which case we’d write final class User and drop the required keyword entirely.

Third, inside the method we ask our Decoder instance for a container matching all the coding keys we already set in our CodingKey struct by writing decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self). This means “this data should have a container where the keys match whatever cases we have in our CodingKeys enum. This is a throwing call, because it’s possible those keys don’t exist.

Finally, we can read values directly from that container by referencing cases in our enum – container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name). This provides really strong safety in two ways: we’re making it clear we expect to read a string, so if name gets changed to an integer the code will stop compiling; and we’re also using a case in our CodingKeys enum rather than a string, so there’s no chance of typos.

There’s one more task we need to complete before the User class conforms to Codable: we’ve made an initializer so that Swift can decode data into this type, but now we need to tell Swift how to encode this type – how to archive it ready to write to JSON.

This step is pretty much the reverse of the initializer we just wrote: we get handed an Encoder instance to write to, ask it to make a container using our CodingKeys enum for keys, then write our values attached to each key.

Add this method to the User class now:

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
    var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
    try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)

And now our code compiles: Swift knows what data we want to write, knows how to convert some encoded data into our object’s properties, and knows how to convert our object’s properties into some encoded data.

I hope you’re able to see some real advantages here compared to the stringly typed API of UserDefaults – it’s much harder to make a mistake with Codable because we don’t use strings, and it automatically checks our data types are correct.

Sending and receiving Codable data with URLSession and SwiftUI

Sending and receiving Codable data with URLSession and SwiftUI
100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 49 - Sending and receiving Codable data with URLSession and SwiftUI

Sending and receiving Codable data with URLSession and SwiftUI

iOS gives us built-in tools for sending and receiving data from the internet, and if we combine it with Codable support then it’s possible to convert Swift objects to JSON for sending, then receive back JSON to be converted back to Swift objects. Even better, when the request completes we can immediately assign its data to properties in SwiftUI views, causing our user interface to update.

To demonstrate this we can load some example music JSON data from Apple’s iTunes API, and show it all in a SwiftUI List. Apple’s data includes lots of information, but we’re going to whittle it down to just two types: a Result will store a track ID, its name, and the album it belongs to, and a Response will store an array of results.

So, start with this code:

struct Response: Codable {
    var results: [Result]

struct Result: Codable {
    var trackId: Int
    var trackName: String
    var collectionName: String

We can now write a simple ContentView that shows an array of results:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var results = [Result]()

    var body: some View {
        List(results, id: \.trackId) { item in
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {

That won’t show anything at first, because the results array is empty. This is where our networking call comes in: we’re going to ask the iTunes API to send us a list of all the songs by Taylor Swift, then use JSONDecoder to convert those results into an array of Result instances.

However, doing this means you need to meet two important Swift keywords: async and await. You see, any iPhone capable of running SwiftUI can perform billions of operations every second – it’s so fast that it completes most work before we even realized it started it. On the flip side, networking – downloading data from the internet – might take several hundreds milliseconds or more to come, which is extremely slow for a computer that’s used to doing literally a billion other things in that time.

Rather than forcing our entire progress to stop while the networking happens, Swift gives us the ability to say “this work will take some time, so please wait for it to complete while the rest of the app carries on running as usual.”

This functionality – this ability to leave some code running while our main app code carries on working – is called an asynchronous function. A synchronous function is one that runs fully before returning a value as needed, but an asynchronous function is one that is able to go to sleep for a while, so that it can wait for some other work to complete before continuing. In our case, that means going to sleep while our networking code happens, so that the rest of our app doesn’t freeze up for several seconds.

To make this easier to understand, let’s write it in a few stages. First, here’s the basic method stub – please add this to the ContentView struct:

func loadData() async {


Notice the new async keyword in there – we’re telling Swift this function might want to go to sleep in order to complete its work.

We want that to be run as soon as our List is shown, but we can’t just use onAppear() here because that doesn’t know how to handle sleeping functions – it expects its function to be synchronous.

SwiftUI provides a different modifier for these kinds of tasks, giving it a particularly easy to remember name: task(). This can call functions that might go to sleep for a while; all Swift asks us to do is mark those functions with a second keyword, await, so we’re explicitly acknowledging that a sleep might happen.

Add this modifier to the List now:

.task {
    await loadData()

Tip: Think of await as being like try – we’re saying we understand a sleep might happen, in the same way try says we acknowledge an error might be thrown.

Inside loadData() we have three steps we need to complete:

  1. Creating the URL we want to read.
  2. Fetching the data for that URL.
  3. Decoding the result of that data into a Response struct.

We’ll add those step by step, starting with the URL. This needs to have a precise format: “” followed by a series of parameters – you can find the full set of parameters if you do a web search for “iTunes Search API”. In our case we’ll be using the search term “Taylor Swift” and the entity “song”, so add this to loadData() now:

guard let url = URL(string: "") else {
    print("Invalid URL")

Step 2 is to fetch the data from that URL, which is where our sleep is likely to happen. I say “likely” because it might not – iOS will do a little caching of data, so if the URL is fetched twice back to back then the data will get sent back immediately rather than triggering a sleep.

Regardless, a sleep is possible here, and every time a sleep is possible we need to use the await keyword with the code we want to run. Just as importantly, an error might also be thrown here – maybe the user isn’t currently connected to the internet, for example.

So, we need to use both try and await at the same time. Please add this code directly after the previous code:

do {
    let (data, _) = try await url)

    // more code to come
} catch {
    print("Invalid data")

That introduced three important things, so let’s break it down:

  1. Our work is being done by the data(from:) method, which takes a URL and returns the Data object at that URL. This method belongs to the URLSession class, which you can create and configure by hand if you want, but you can also use a shared instance that comes with sensible defaults.
  2. The return value from data(from:) is a tuple containing the data at the URL and some metadata describing how the request went. We don’t use the metadata, but we do want the URL’s data, hence the underscore – we create a new local constant for the data, and toss the metadata away.
  3. When using both try and await at the same time, we must write try await – using await try is not allowed. There’s no special reason for this, but they had to pick one so they went with the one that reads more naturally.

So, if our download succeeds our data constant will be set to whatever data was sent back from the URL, but if it fails for any reason our code prints “Invalid data” and does nothing else.

The last part of this method is to convert the Data object into a Response object using JSONDecoder, then assign the array inside to our results property. This is exactly what we’ve used before, so this shouldn’t be a surprise – add this last code in place of the // more code to come comment now:

if let decodedResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data) {
    results = decodedResponse.results

If you run the code now you should see a list of Taylor Swift songs appear after a short pause – it really isn’t a lot of code given how well the end result works.

All this only handles downloading data. Later on in this project we’re going to look at how to adopt a slightly different approach so you can send Codable data, but that’s enough for now.

Loading an image from a remote server

Loading an image from a remote server
100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 49 - Loading an image from a remote server

Loading an image from a remote server

SwiftUI’s Image view works great with images in your app bundle, but if you want to load a remote image from the internet you need to use AsyncI`mage instead. These are created using an image URL rather than a simple asset name, but SwiftUI takes care of all the rest for us – it downloads the image, caches the download, and displays it automatically.

So, the simplest image we can create looks like this:

AsyncImage(url: URL(string: ""))

I created that picture to be 1200 pixels high, but when it displays you’ll see it’s much bigger. This gets straight to one of the fundamental complexities of using AsyncImage: SwiftUI knows nothing about the image until our code is run and the image is downloaded, and so it isn’t able to size it appropriately ahead of time.

If I were to include that 1200px image in my project, I’d actually name it logo@3x.png, then also add an 800px image that was logo@2x.png. SwiftUI would then take care of loading the correct image for us, and making sure it appeared nice and sharp, and at the correct size too. As it is, SwiftUI loads that image as if it were designed to be shown at 1200 pixels high – it will be much bigger than our screen, and will look a bit blurry too.

To fix this, we can tell SwiftUI ahead of time that we’re trying to load a 3x scale image, like this:

AsyncImage(url: URL(string: ""), scale: 3)

When you run the code now you’ll see the resulting image is a much more reasonable size.

And if you wanted to give it a precise size? Well, then you might start by trying this:

AsyncImage(url: URL(string: ""))
    .frame(width: 200, height: 200)

That won’t work, but perhaps that won’t even surprise you because it wouldn’t work with a regular Image either. So you might try to make it resizable, like this:

AsyncImage(url: URL(string: ""))
    .frame(width: 200, height: 200)

except that won’t work either, and in fact it’s worse because now our code won’t even compile. You see, the modifiers we’re applying here don’t apply directly to the image that SwiftUI downloads – they can’t, because SwiftUI can’t know how to apply them until it has actually fetched the image data.

Instead, we’re applying modifiers to a wrapper around the image, which is the AsyncImage view. That will ultimately contain our finished image, but it will also contain a placeholder that gets used while the image is loading. You can actually see the placeholder just briefly when your app runs – that 200x200 gray square is it, and it will automatically go away once loading finishes.

To adjust our image, you need to use a more advanced form of AsyncImage that passes us the final image view once it’s ready, which we can then customize as needed. As a bonus, this also gives us a second closure to customize the placeholder as needed.

For example, we could make the finished image view be both resizable and scaled to fit, and use as the placeholder so it’s more obvious while you’re learning.

AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "")) { image in
} placeholder: {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)

A resizable image and both automatically take up all available space, which means the frame() modifier actually works now.

The placeholder view can be whatever you want. For example, if you replace with ProgressView() – just that – then you’ll get a little spinner activity indicator instead of a solid color.

If you want complete control over your remote image, there’s a third way of creating AsyncImage that tells us whether the image was loaded, hit an error, or hasn’t finished yet. This is particularly useful for times when you want to show a dedicated view when the download fails – if the URL doesn’t exist, or the user was offline, etc.

Here’s how that looks:

AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "")) { phase in
    if let image = phase.image {
    } else if phase.error != nil {
        Text("There was an error loading the image.")
    } else {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)

So, that will show our image if it can, an error message if the download failed for any reason, or a spinning activity indicator while the download is still in progress.

Validating and disabling forms

Validating and disabling forms
100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 49 - Validating and disabling forms

Validating and disabling forms

SwiftUI’s Form view lets us store user input in a really fast and convenient way, but sometimes it’s important to go a step further – to check that input to make sure it’s valid before we proceed.

Well, we have a modifier just for that purpose: disabled(). This takes a condition to check, and if the condition is true then whatever it’s attached to won’t respond to user input – buttons can’t be tapped, sliders can’t be dragged, and so on. You can use simple properties here, but any condition will do: reading a computed property, calling a method, and so on,

To demonstrate this, here’s a form that accepts a username and email address:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var username = ""
    @State private var email = ""

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section {
                TextField("Username", text: $username)
                TextField("Email", text: $email)

            Section {
                Button("Create account") {
                    print("Creating account


In this example, we don’t want users to create an account unless both fields have been filled in, so we can disable the form section containing the Create Account button by adding the disabled() modifier like this:

Section {
    Button("Create account") {
        print("Creating account
.disabled(username.isEmpty || email.isEmpty)

That means “this section is disabled if username is empty or email is empty,” which is exactly what we want.

You might find that it’s worth spinning out your conditions into a separate computed property, such as this:

var disableForm: Bool {
    username.count < 5 || email.count < 5

Now you can just reference that in your modifier:


Regardless of how you do it, I hope you try running the app and seeing how SwiftUI handles a disabled button – when our test fails the button’s text goes gray, but as soon as the test passes the button lights up blue.

That brings us to the end of the overview for this project, so please put ContentView.swift back to its original state so we can begin building the main project.

ìŽì°ŹíŹ (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.