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hosted-engine - Tools for handling hosted engine


hosted-engine [--help] <command> [<command-args>]


The hosted-engine command deploys a virtual machine that you can install oVirt Open Virtualization Manager on to. The Manager installation on your hosted-engine virtual machine can manage the host it is running on. The hosted-engine command can also be used to start, stop and access the hosted-engine virtual machine.


--helpShow the help message and exit.
--deploy [options]Run the ovirt-hosted-engine-setup command to deploy the hosted-engine virtual machine.
--vm-start [--vm-conf=<file>]Start VM on this host. --vm-conf=<file> can be optionally used to load an alternative vm.conf file as a recovery action.
--vm-start-pausedStart VM on this host with qemu paused.
--vm-shutdownGracefully shutdown the VM on this host.
--vm-poweroffForcefully poweroff the VM on this host.
--vm-status [--json]Show the VM status, in machine-readable format if --json is given.
--add-console-password [--password=<password>]Create a temporary password for VNC/SPICE connections to the hosted-engine virtual machine.
--consoleOpen the configured console using virsh on localhost.
--check-deployedChecks whether the hosted engine has been deployed.
--check-livelinessChecks liveliness page of engine.
--connect-storageManually connect the storage domain to the local VDSM instance.
--set-maintenance --mode=<mode>Set maintenance status to the specified mode:
  • global - Allow the administrator to start/stop/modify the engine VM without any worry of interference from the HA agents.
  • local - Allow the administrator to maintain this host. Note that if you have only 2 nodes and one is in maintenance, there is only one host available to run the engine VM.
  • none - Resume HA functionality.
--clean_metadata [--force-cleanup] [--host-id=<id>]Remove host's metadata from the global status database.
--reinitialize-lockspace [--force]Reinitialize the sanlock lockspace file. This WIPES all locks.
--upgrade-applianceUpgrade the engine appliance.
--rollback-upgradeRollback using a backup saved in a previous upgrade attempt.


Basic Usages
hosted-engine --vm-status
# !! Cluster is in GLOBAL MAINTENANCE mode !!
# --== Host on20-host02 (id: 1) status ==--
# Host ID                            : 1
# Host timestamp                     : 15233
# Score                              : 3400
# Engine status                      : {"vm": "up", "health": "good", "detail": "Up"}
# Hostname                           : on20-host02
# Local maintenance                  : False
# stopped                            : False
# crc32                              : 460020d4
# conf_on_shared_storage             : True
# local_conf_timestamp               : 15233
# Status up-to-date                  : True
# Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
# 	metadata_parse_version=1
# 	metadata_feature_version=1
# 	timestamp=15233 (Mon Mar  6 21:29:16 2023)
# 	host-id=1
# 	score=3400
# 	vm_conf_refresh_time=15233 (Mon Mar  6 21:29:16 2023)
# 	conf_on_shared_storage=True
# 	maintenance=False
# 	state=GlobalMaintenance
# 	stopped=False
# --== Host on20-host01 (id: 2) status ==--
# Host ID                            : 2
# Host timestamp                     : 15253
# Score                              : 3400
# Engine status                      : {"vm": "down", "health": "bad", "detail": "unknown", "reason": "vm not running on this host"}
# Hostname                           : on20-host01
# Local maintenance                  : False
# stopped                            : False
# crc32                              : 231e0e5c
# conf_on_shared_storage             : True
# local_conf_timestamp               : 15253
# Status up-to-date                  : True
# Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
# 	metadata_parse_version=1
# 	metadata_feature_version=1
# 	timestamp=15253 (Mon Mar  6 21:29:27 2023)
# 	host-id=2
# 	score=3400
# 	vm_conf_refresh_time=15253 (Mon Mar  6 21:29:27 2023)
# 	conf_on_shared_storage=True
# 	maintenance=False
# 	state=GlobalMaintenance
# 	stopped=False
# !! Cluster is in GLOBAL MAINTENANCE mode !!



firewall-cmd - firewalld command line client


firewall-cmd [OPTIONS...]


firewall-cmd is the command line client of the firewalld daemon. It provides interface to manage runtime and permanent configuration.

The runtime configuration in firewalld is separated from the permanent configuration. This means that things can get changed in the runtime or permanent configuration.


For sequence options, this are the options that can be specified multiple times, the exit code is 0 if there is at least one item that succeded. The ALREADY_ENABLED (11), NOT_ENABLED (12) and also ZONE_ALREADY_SET (16) errors are treated as succeeded. If there are issues while parsing the items, then these are treated as warnings and will not change the result as long as there is a succeeded one. Without any succeeded item, the exit code will depend on the error codes. If there is exactly one error code, then this is used. If there are more than one then UNKNOWN_ERROR (254) will be used.

The following options are supported:

-h, --helpPrints a short help text and exits.
-V, --versionPrint the version string of firewalld. This option is not combinable with other options.
-q, --quietDo not print status messages.
--stateCheck whether the firewalld daemon is active (i.e. running). Returns an exit code 0 if it is active,
RUNNING_BUT_FAILED if failure occurred on startup, NOT_RUNNING otherwise.
See the section called “EXIT CODES”. This will also print the state to STDOUT.
--reloadReload firewall rules and keep state information. Current permanent configuration will become new runtime configuration,
i.e. all runtime only changes done until reload are lost with reload if they have not been also in permanent configuration.
Note: Runtime changes applied via the direct interface are not affected and will therefore stay in place until firewalld daemon is restarted completely.
--complete-reloadReload firewall completely, even netfilter kernel modules. This will most likely terminate active connections, because state information is lost. This option should only be used in case of severe firewall problems. For example if there are state information problems that no connection can be established with correct firewall rules.
Note: Runtime changes applied via the direct interface are not affected and will therefore stay in place until firewalld
daemon is restarted completely.
--runtime-to-permanentSave active runtime configuration and overwrite permanent configuration with it. The way this is supposed to work is that when configuring firewalld you do runtime changes only and once you're happy with the configuration and you tested that it works the way you want, you save the configuration to disk.
--check-configRun checks on the permanent configuration. This includes XML validity and semantics.
--get-log-deniedPrint the log denied setting.
--set-log-denied=valueAdd logging rules right before reject and drop rules in the INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT chains for the default rules and also final reject and drop rules in zones for the configured link-layer packet type. The possible values are: all, unicast, broadcast, multicast and off. The default setting is off, which disables the logging.
This is a runtime and permanent change and will also reload the firewall to be able to add the logging rules.
--get-automatic-helpersPrint the automatic helpers setting.
       For the secure use of iptables and connection tracking helpers it is recommended to turn AutomaticHelpers off. But this might
       have side effects on other services using the netfilter helpers as the sysctl setting in
       /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper will be changed. With the system setting, the default value set in the kernel or
       with sysctl will be used. Possible values are: yes, no and system. The default value is system.

       This is a runtime and permanent change and will also reload the firewall to be able to make the helpers usable.

Permanent Options --permanent The permanent option --permanent can be used to set options permanently. These changes are not effective immediately, only after service restart/reload or system reboot. Without the --permanent option, a change will only be part of the runtime configuration.

       If you want to make a change in runtime and permanent configuration, use the same call with and without the --permanent

       The --permanent option can be optionally added to all options further down where it is supported.		   


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