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Strings are collections again

About 1 minSwiftArticle(s)bloghackingwithswift.comswiftswift-4.0

Strings are collections again 관련


What's new in Swift?

Strings are collections again | Changes in Swift 4.0

Strings are collections again

Available from Swift 4.0

This is a small change, but one guaranteed to make a lot of people happy: strings are collections again. This means you can reverse them, loop over them character-by-character, map() and flatMap() them, and more. For example:

let quote = "It is a truth universally acknowledged that new Swift versions bring new features."
let reversed = quote.reversed()

for letter in quote {

This change was introduced as part of a broad set of amendments called the String Manifesto (apple/swift)open in new window.

Other Changes in Swift 4.0
Encoding and decoding data using Codable | Changes in Swift 4.0

Encoding and decoding data using Codable
Multi-line string literals | Changes in Swift 4.0

Multi-line string literals
Improved keypaths for key-value coding | Changes in Swift 4.0

Improved keypaths for key-value coding
Improved dictionary functionality | Changes in Swift 4.0

Improved dictionary functionality
One-sided ranges | Changes in Swift 4.0

One-sided ranges

Download Swift 4.0 playgroundopen in new window

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.