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5 Exciting New JavaScript Features in 2024

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5 Exciting New JavaScript Features in 2024 관련

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5 Exciting New JavaScript Features in 2024 — SitePoint
Explore some hotly anticipated new additions to JavaScript, including better date management with the Temporal API and pipe operators.

The following proposals stand a good chance of making it into this year's version of ECMAScript:

ECMAScript Updates

A new version of JS always causes a stir. Since the ES6 update there has been a new version every year, and we're expecting this year's (ES2024) to land around June.

ES6 was a massive release that came six years after its predecessor, ES5. Browser vendors and JavaScript developers were overwhelmed with the sheer number of new features to adopt and learn. Since then, to prevent such a big drop of new features happening at once, there's been a yearly release cycle.

This yearly release cycle involves proposing any new features, which are then discussed, evaluated, then voted on by a committee before they're added to the language. This process also allows browsers to try to implement the proposals before they're officially added to the language, which may help iron out any implementation problems.

As mentioned, new features for JavaScript (or ECMAScript) are decided by Technical Committee 39 (TC39)open in new window. TC39 is made up of representatives from all the major browser vendors as well as JavaScript experts. They meet regularly to discuss new features for the language and how they can be implemented. The new features are put forward as proposals (made by anyone) and the committee members then vote on whether each proposal can move forward to the next stage. There are 4 Stages for each proposal; once a proposal reaches Stage 4, it's expected to be included in the next version of ES.

An important part of the ES specification is that it has to be backwards compatible. This means that any new features can't break the Internet by changing how previous versions of ES worked. So they can't change how existing methods work, they can only add new methods, as any website running with a potentially pre-existent method would be at risk of breaking.

The full list of all the current proposals can be seen tc39/proposalsopen in new window.


In the State of JS 2022 surveyopen in new window, the third most common answer to “What do you feel is currently missing from JavaScript?” was Better Date Management.

This has led to the Temporal tc39/proposal-temporalopen in new window, which offers a standard global object to replace the Date object and fixes a number of the issues that have caused developers much pain when working with dates in JavaScript over the years.

Working with dates in JavaScript is almost always a dreaded task; having to deal with small but infuriating inconsistencies, such as the craziness of months being zero-indexed but days of the month starting at 1.

The difficulty of dates has resulted in popular libraries such as Momentopen in new window, Day.JSopen in new window and date-fnsopen in new window popping up to try to fix the issues. However, the Temporal API aims to fix all the problems natively.

Temporal will support multiple time-zones and non-Gregorian calendars out of the box, and will provide a simple-to-use API that will make it much easier to parse dates from strings. Furthermore, all Temporal objects will be immutable, which will help avoid any accidental date change bugs.

Let's look at some examples of the most useful methods offered by the Temporal API.


Temporal.Now.Instant() will return a DateTime object to the nearest nanosecond. You can specify particular dates using the from method like so:

const olympics = Temporal.Instant.from('2024-07-26T20:24:00+01:00');

This will create a DateTime object that represents the start of the Paris Olympics later this year at 20:24 on the 26th July 2024 (UTC).


This allows you to create just a date, with no time:

new Temporal.PlainDate(2024, 7, 26);


// both return a PlainDate object that represents 26th July 2024


As a complement to PlainDate(), we can use this to create just a time with no date, using .PlainTime():

new Temporal.PlainTime(20, 24, 0);


// both return a PlainTime object of 20:24


PlainMonthDay() is similar to PlainDate, but it only returns the month and day with no year information (useful for dates that recur on the same day every year, such as Christmas Day and Valentine's Day):

const valentinesDay = Temporal.PlainMonthDay.from({ month: 2, day: 14 });


Similarly, there's also PlainYearMonth that will return just the year and month (useful for representing a whole month of a year):

const march = Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from({ month: 3, year: 2024 });


There are a number of calculations that can be done with Temporal objects. You can add and subtract various units of time to a date object:

const today = Temporal.Now.plainDateISO();

const lastWeek = today.subtract({ days: 7});

const nextWeek = today.add({ days: 7 });

The until and since methods let you find out how much time until a certain date or since the date occurred. For example, the following code will tell you how many days it is until the Paris Olympics:



These methods return a Temporal.Duration object that can be used to measure an amount of time that has numerous different units and rounding options.


You can extract the year, month and day from a Date object and the hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds form a Time object (microseconds and nanoseconds are not available in the current DateTime object). For example:

<< 20

There are also other properties such as dayOfWeek (returns 1 for Monday and 7 for Sunday), daysInMonth (returns 28, 29, 30 or 31 depending on the month) and daysinYear (returns 365 or 366 depending on a leap year).

Temporal date objects will also have a compare method that can be used to order dates using various sorting algorithms.

Temporal is currently a Stage 3 proposal that's in the process of being implemented by browser vendors, so it seems as if its time has come (pun intended). You can see the full documentation hereopen in new window. There's also a useful cookbook of use cases hereopen in new window. When paired with the Intl.DateTimeFormat APIopen in new window you'll be able to do some very nifty date manipulation.

Pipe Operator

In the State of JS 2022 surveyopen in new window, the sixth top answer to “What do you feel is currently missing from JavaScript?” was a Pipe Operator.

You can see the tc39/proposal-pipeline-operatoropen in new window.

A pipe operator is a standard feature in functional languages that allows you to “pipe” a value from one function to another, with the output of the previous function being used as the input to the next (in a similar way that the Fetch API passes any data it returns from one promise to the next).

For example, say we wanted to consecutively apply three functions to a string:

  • Concatenate the string “Listen up!” to the beginning of the original string.
  • Concatenate three exclamation marks onto the end of the string.
  • Make all the text upper case.

These three functions could be written as follows:

const exclaim = string => string + "!!!"
const listen = string => "Listen up! " + string
const uppercase = string => string.toUpperCase()

These three functions could be applied by nesting them all together as follows:

const text = "Hello World"


But deeply nesting multiple function calls like this can get messy very quickly, especially since the value (text) being passed as an argument ends up deeply embedded inside the expression, making it difficult to identify.

The other problem with function nesting is that the order the functions are applied in is back to front, in that the inner-most functions are applied first. So in this case, listen gets applied to the original value of text, followed by exclaim, then the outer-most function, uppercase, will be applied last of all. Particularly for large and complex functions, this becomes hard and unintuitive to follow.

An alternative is to use function chaining like this:

const text = "Hello World"


This solves a lot of problems from nested functions. The argument being passed is at the beginning, and each function appears in the order it's applied in, so listen() is applied first, then exclaim() then uppercase().

Unfortunately, this example won't work, because the listen, exclaim and uppercase functions aren't methods of the String class. They could be added by monkey patchingopen in new window the String class, but this is generally frowned on as a technique.

This means that, although chaining looks a lot better than function nesting, it can only really be used with built-in functions (as is frequently done with Array methods).

Piping combines the ease of use of chaining but with the ability to use it with any functions. Under the current proposal, the example above would be written like so:

text |> listen(%) |> exclaim(%) |> uppercase(%)

The % token is a placeholder used to represent the value of the output of the previous function, although it's highly likely that the % character will be replaced by some other character in the official release. This allows for functions that accept more than one argument to be used along the pipeline.

Piping combines the ease of chaining but can be used with any custom functions that you've written. The only condition is that you need to ensure that the output type of one function matches the input type of the next function in the chain.

Piping works best with curried functionsopen in new window that only accept a single argument that's piped from the return value of any previous function. It makes functional programming much easier, as small, building-block functions can be chained together to make more complex composite functions. It also makes partial applicationopen in new window easier to implement.

Despite its popularity, the pipe operator has struggled to move forward beyond Stage 2 of the process. This is due to disagreements over how the notation should be expressed and concerns over memory performance and how it might work with await. It seems that the committee is slowly reaching some sort of agreement, though, so hopefully the pipe operator might move quickly through the stages and make an appearance this year.

Thankfully, the pipeline operator has been implemented in Babel from version 7.15open in new window.

Personally, we would love the pipe operator to be implemented and rolled out this year, as it would really help improve the credentials of JavaScript as a serious functional programming language.

Records and Tuples

RegExp /v flag



So what do you think? What would you like to see added to the spec this year? All these features will make great additions to JavaScript, so fingers crossed they'll make it in this year!

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.