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References 관련
Android Developers
- How do I get an apk file from an Android device?
- Bottom app bar problem with placing icons
- I want to get application crash info in Android programmatically without using 3rd party apps or jars like bugsense etc
- android Bottom app bar is not taking full width even after setting width to match parent
- ConnectivityManager getNetworkInfo(int) deprecated
- WebView wrap_content doesn't occupy entire view size
- android - setting LayoutParams programmatically
- move Android fragment to a different container Can't change container ID of fragment
- How to display HTML in TextView?
- display view on top of action bar
- Get RSRP from CellSignalStrengthLte for Android app API 17+
- 라이더스 개발팀 모바일에서 CI/CD 도입
- Kotlin 테스트 코드 자동화 Intellij 플러그인 개발기
- 'Gradle Kotlin DSL' 이야기
- Cucumber + Appium을 통해 Android 앱 테스트
Dropbox Tech Blog - Dropbox
NHN Cloud Meetup - NHN 기술 블로그
[Kotlin] 메모리릭 방지하기 | Kotlin, Lambda의 강력함 | Lambda는 진리입니다.
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- Leveraging Key-Value Observing (KVO) in Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) for iOS
- How to safely update state in your Kotlin apps
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- How to publish your own BoM (Bill of Materials) for Kotlin Multiplatform libraries on Maven Central
- Migrating to Koin Annotations in a multiplatform project
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- Kotlin Design Patterns: Mediator
- Publishing Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries With Sonatype Central
- Let Kotlin do the code for you — Part III: Mockito, Mockk, and Code Generation
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- Command Your User Inputs with Jetpack Compose— Text Field Features Hidden in Plain Sight
- The best way to load data in ViewModels
- Exploring Lifecycle-Aware Service and
on Android - The beauty of Kotlin Type System
- Kotlin Tips and Tricks You May Not Know: #1 — Kotlin Logging
- Using Kotlin Reflection to Automate Compose Navigation
- Top 10 Coroutine Mistakes We All Have Made as Android Developers
- (
) Android Developers: The official Android Developers publication on Medium- What’s new in Jetpack Benchmark 1.2.0
- Incrementally migrate from SQLite to Room
- 7 Pro-tips for Room
- Restore RecyclerView scroll position
- Navigation Compose meet Type Safety
- Tools and libraries to help your Wear OS app satisfy Google Play app quality requirements
- Kotlin’s @Keep Annotation: Keeping Your Code Safe and Sound
- From Hilt to Koin using Koin Annotations
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- Android Process Lifecycle + Coroutines == ❤
- Using Native iOS Navigation from Compose Multiplatform
- KMPNotifier Update: Web, Desktop, and New Features for Kotlin Multiplatform Notifications
- The beauty of Kotlin Type System
- Widgets With Glance: Beyond String States
- A Developer’s Roadmap to Mastering Kotlin Multiplatform
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- Integrate Kotlin-Inject-Anvil To Tv Maniac
- Automate Android Feature Creation with Gradle
- Google Sign in — Kotlin / JS
/ How to create a chatbot with Firebase Firestore and PaLM on Androidveniamin.vynohradov
/ Monitoring Internet Connection State in Androidkotlin-academy
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/ New Way Handle State, Event With Sealed Classes in Androiddenisrebrof
/ Decorator pattern in Android Developmentswlh
/ Android: CircleImageView Simplifiedruddns8213
/ Android PDF Viewer, Created Librarynetflixtechblog
/ Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatformgenymobile
/ Run your Appium tests using Docker Android & Genymotion Cloudbetterprogramming
/ How Enums Can Impact the Performance of Android Apps@mega-blog
/ Improving unit test performance in MEGA Androidgoogle-developer-experts
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- Trim, Transcode, Concatenate: Your Guide to Media3 Editing Libraries@jacobras
- Getting the native iOS look & feel in your Compose Multiplatform appbumble-tech
- Refining Compose API for design systemsstackademic
/ Putting Koin To Work in Androiddaangn
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/ Efficient Layout(View Based) in Android@nachare.reena8
/ Integrating Ktor in Your Android App Like a Pro!@ragnorak-dev
/ My first impressions of Compose multiplatform for web (Kotlin/Js — Kotlin/Wasm)stackademic
/ What Every Android Developer Should Have in Their GitHub?insert-koin
/ Injecting your Compose applications with Koin — From Android to Multiplatformkhubaibkhan
/ Getting Started with Compose Multiplatform and Koin: A Practical Guidemarlonlom
/ Adapt Kotlin 2.0 in Android applicationsmmartosdev
/ Web-based drag-and-drop in Compose Multiplatformkerry.bisset
/ Modernizing Application Settings in Kotlin Multiplatform with DataStore and Koinmmartosdev
/ Embedding Compose Multiplatform code into Medium articlesjoostklitsie
/ Stop throwing exceptions!groww
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/ Kotlin MultiPlatform (KMP)santimattius
/ From Hilt to Koin using Koin Annotationsanitaa_1990
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/ I DECLARE….DEPENDENCIESSSS!!!@galou.minisini
/ Advanced Kotlin Coroutine Cheat sheet (for Android Engineer)insert-koin
/ Koin Annotations 1.4 — Better Multimodule & KMPbasaransuleyman
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/ Compose Navigation 살펴보기chetan-garg36
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/ Advanced Kotlin Flow Cheat sheet (for Android Engineer)mohitsoni48
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의 재시도 처리israeli-tech-radar
/ In the Cross-Platform world, is Kotlin Multiplatform the right choice for your next application?cohen.n.raphael
/ Advanced Kotlin Magic: Unlocking the Power ofcombine
for Android Development! 🧠💪_thomaskioko
/ Enhancing iOS UI Previews: Swift UI Packages & Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.hongbeomi-dev
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/ Optimized Image Loading for Compose and Kotlin Multiplatformmikhailovskii.sergei
/ Viewing the logs inside the application with LogKMPanionandroiddevelopers
/ Understanding Jetpack Compose — part 1 of 2androiddevelopers
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/ 안드로이드개발 팁.implementation
배포한 라이브러리 or 배포할 라이브러리sunghyunroh
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/ LazyColumn 작동 방식 이해하기raed-o-ghazal
/ How to Open System Settings in Compose Multiplatformandresand
/ Voice to Text | Kotlin | Android Jetpack Composehinchman-amanda
/ Reverse-Engineering the Compose Compiler Plugin: Intercepting the Frontendlizarraga.iosu
/ 4 useful tips for Compose Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP)hongbeomi
/ 안드로이드 개발자의 2024년 회고
/ The Fundamentals of Android Development.ardakazanci
/ Creating Dynamic Menus with Jetpack Composebubenheimer
/ Effective Map Composables: Non-Draggable Markerstkuenneth
/ From Swing to Jetpack Compose Desktop #1altavir
/ Keep listening or do your job and finishcdsap
/ Resource observability case study: jemalloc in Android buildsbubenheimer
/ Effective Map Composables: Draggable Markersbubenheimer
/ Effective Map Composables: Collections of Non-Draggable Markerscharlietap
/ Making my concurrent algorithm 6000% better 🚀
/ [android] Notification 등록시 Head Up Notification 뜨지 않는 현상@jinny_0422
/ [Android] 불러온 Image Crop하기@devyang97
/ [Android]productFlavors
/ Compose 부수 효과 총정리@stella6767
/ 인앱 구독 결제 (In-App Purchase: IAP) 서버사이드 검증 2 - Android@thd0427
/ Benchmark에 대하여@thd0427
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/ [Android] Project Structure
Android Developers Blog
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Pluu Dev
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- [정리] Compose 가이드 문서 ~ UI Architecture
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- [정리] Compose 가이드 문서 ~ Performance
- Blog: [요약] Designing scalable Compose APIs (Google I/O '24)
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- Blog: [Lint]
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- Blog: [메모] Google Play의 사진 및 동영상 권한 정책
- Blog: Compose에서 Context는 어떻게 얻을 수 있나요?
늦깍이 공대생의 좌충우돌 이야기
Kwon's developer
개발자 키우기
Greek geek
Fabien Sanglard
The Thin Computer
Pragmatic Pineapple
- Jetpack Compose: The Android Developer Roadmap – Part 5
- Build a Real-Time Zoom Clone with Jetpack Compose
- Designing Effective UIs For Enhancing Compose Previews
Appmilla – FinTech App Agency
- Experimenting with Composable Presenters in Kotlin Multiplatform
- Getting Started with Jetpack ViewModels and DataStore in Kotlin Multiplatform
- Harnessing the Power of Kotlin Multiplatform: Combining Native and Shared UIs
Shreyas Patil's Blog
Darryl Bayliss
Thought Box
John O'Reilly
- Using Amper with Fleet in a Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform project
- Using Jetpack Room in Kotlin Multiplatform shared code
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Funky Muse
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- 상속! 악마의 속삭임, 그 속에 숨겨진 문제점, Kotlin에서는 Delegation을 활용해 보자.
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Speaker Deck | Easily Share Your Presentations Online
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- Jetpack Compose to Compose Multiplatform: Transition Guide
- Compose Multiplatform + Lottie Animations
- Compose Multiplatform and the Native App Future
- Piloting Kotlin Multiplatform is Easy. Scaling is Hard.
찰스의 안드로이드
박상권의 삽질블로그
Jungwoon Blog
Simple is best
Antonio Leiva - Android & Kotlin GDE | JetBrains Training Partner
독학하는 1인 개발자
조세영의 Kotlin World
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