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Environment Setup

About 4 minDraculaEnvironment Setupshbashzshdraculadracula-themedraculathemeterminalwindows-terminalzshvscodevisual-studio-codesublime-text

Environment Setup 관련

Copy and Paste the following to the Terminal Prompt

git clone
  • [Terminal] > [Settings] Tab
  • Click icon
  • Click [Import...]
  • Select the Dracula.terminal file
  • Click Default


# Copy and Paste the following to the Terminal Prompt
git clone
# And creating a symbolic link to `oh-my-zsh`'s theme folder:
ln -s $DRACULA_THEME/dracula.zsh-theme $OH_MY_ZSH/themes/dracula.zsh-theme

Oh My Posh

Oh My Posh


To install Oh My Poshopen in new window on MacOS/Windows/Linux follow documentation hereopen in new window.

Activating Theme

For instructions on activating this theme in powershell, cmd, xsh, bash, fish and nu please refer to the documentation hereopen in new window.


Nerd Fonts are required for the Dracula theme. To display all icons, the use of Nerd Fontsopen in new window is recommended. More information on fonts can be found hereopen in new window.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code
  1. Go to View -> Command Palette or press Ctrl+Shift+P
  2. Then enter Install Extension
  3. Write Dracula Official
  4. Select it or press Enter to install

Sublime Text

Sublime Text

If you are using Package Control, you can easily install Dracula Theme via the Package Control: Install Package menu item. The Dracula Theme package is listed as Dracula Color Scheme in the packages list.


Go to , and search , click <FontIcon icon="iconfont icon-select"/>.
Go to Plugin Marketplace, and search Dracula, click [Install].
Go to  >  > , select <FontIcon icon="iconfont icon-select"/> from the dropdown menu.
Go to Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance, select [Dracula] from the dropdown menu.
Go to <FontIcon icon="iconfont icon-select"/> >  > , select <FontIcon icon="iconfont icon-select"/> from the dropdown menu.
Go to [Preferences] > [Editor] > [Color Scheme], select [Dracula] from the dropdown menu.




XCodeopen in new window

Create the custom themes folder

Move Dracula.xccolortheme file to this custom themes folder.

git clone dracula-xcode
mkdir ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes
mv ./dracula-xcode/Dracula.xccolortheme ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes

Xcode > Preferences > Themes > Select the Dracula theme

Windows Terminal

Windows Terminal

Windows Termianlopen in new window
Windows Termianl
git clone dracula-win-terminal

Start Windows Terminal and click on the down arrow symbol ˅ from menu bar. This will open a drop down menu from which select Settings option. Alternatively use Ctrl+, to open Settings directly.

In the settings.json settings file for Windows Terminal, find the schemes section and paste the content of dracula.json.

"schemes": [
    "name": "Dracula",
    "cursorColor": "#F8F8F2",
    "selectionBackground": "#44475A",
    "background": "#282A36",
    "foreground": "#F8F8F2",
    "black": "#21222C",
    "blue": "#BD93F9",
    "cyan": "#8BE9FD",
    "green": "#50FA7B",
    "purple": "#FF79C6",
    "red": "#FF5555",
    "white": "#F8F8F2",
    "yellow": "#F1FA8C",
    "brightBlack": "#6272A4",
    "brightBlue": "#D6ACFF",
    "brightCyan": "#A4FFFF",
    "brightGreen": "#69FF94",
    "brightPurple": "#FF92DF",
    "brightRed": "#FF6E6E",
    "brightWhite": "#FFFFFF",
    "brightYellow": "#FFFFA5"

Once the color scheme has been defined, it's time to enable it. Find the profiles section and add a colorScheme value to the default profile.

"profiles": {
    "defaults": {
        "colorScheme" : "Dracula"

.settings.json 파일경로: %APPDATA%\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_????????\LocalState



Powershellopen in new window
  1. Install the prerequisites:
  • PSReadLine 2.0 or later. It's installed by default in Windows 10, but you'll most likely need to upgrade it. You can verify your PSReadLine version by running (Get-Module PSReadLine).Version.Major
  • Install git integration (posh-git) with Install-Module -Name posh-git -AllowPrerelease -Force. If you don't have an -AllowPrerelease flag, upgrade PowerShellGet with Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force first. If that still doesn't work, see this reported fix (thanks @LukeSavefrogs!).
  1. Download and unzipopen in new window ColorTool. The source code is available from Microsoft.
  2. Open PowerShell, navigate to the unzipped ColorTool directory, and run install.cmd.
  3. Include this powershell configuration in your PowerShell $profile file
  4. Right-click on the window titlebar and choose Properties, then on the Font tab choose Consolas. Click OK to save.

Set the environment variable prompt to the value in this file. These crazy strings are called ANSI Escape Sequences.

In Windows 10, the titlebar color can be set system-wide in [Settings] → [Personalization] → [Colors] → [Custom color] → [More] → #262835.

트루타입폰트로 지정

$key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont'
Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name '000' -Value '<트루타입폰트이름>' # Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name '000' -Value 'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono'

📁$profile 위치 파일경로: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell



Youtubeopen in new window

Install using browser extesion

Install Stylus for

shield-stylusopen in new window

Once installed, it will replace the default theme for Dracula!



StackOverflowopen in new window

⚠️ NOTE: You need to have dark mode enabled in stackoverflow settings (Click on your avatar -> Click Settings -> Set Theme to Dark - [screenshot])

Install Stylus for

shield-stylusopen in new window

This theme is highly configurable to your liking and the options are shown below. These settings can be configured by pressing the cogwheel icon next to the name of the theme


For more information about configuration and settings please see DOCUMENTATION.mdopen in new window

Github Pages

Github Pages

Github Pagesopen in new window
Github Pages

Clone the following repositories

git clone

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.