About 2 min
Snippets 관련
💡How to
Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and description.
The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted.
Possible variables are: $1
, $2
for tab stops, $0
for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}
, ${2:another}
for placeholders.
Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
~/Application Support/Code/User/snippets
"UrlGithubRepo": {
"prefix": "urlghr",
"body": [
"description": "Create URL form for Github Repoistory"
"VuepressMarkdownVidStack": {
"prefix": "vpvs",
"body": [
"<VidStack src=\"${1:url}\" />",
"description": "Create VidStack Vue Component"
"VuepressMarkdownYoutube": {
"prefix": "vpy",
"body": [
"<VidStack src=\"youtube/${1:id}\" />",
"description": "Create VidStack Youtube Vue Component"
"VuepressMarkdownYoutubeItem": {
"prefix": "vpyi",
"body": [
"<YoutubeItem channelName=\"${1:channelName}\" channelId=\"${2:channelId}\" id=\"${3:id}\" title=\"${4:title}\" />",
"description": "Create YoutubeItem Vue Component"
"VuepressMarkdownGithubTags": {
"prefix": "vpgt",
"body": [
"<GithubTags tagItems=\"${1:tagItems}\" />",
"description": "Create 'GithubTags' Vue Component"
"VuepressMarkdownYoutubeGroup": {
"prefix": "vpyg",
"body": [
"## ${1:title}",
"::: details ${3:목록}",
"<!-- ${1:title} -->",
"description": "Create YoutubeGroup Vue Component"
"VuepressMyYouTubeItems" : {
"prefix": "vmyti",
"body": [
"<MyYouTubeItems jsonName=\"yu-${1:channelId}\" />${0}"
"description": "Create MyYouTubeItems Vue Component"
"VuepressHorizImgCollection" : {
"prefix": "vhic",
"body": [
"<HorizImgCollections jsonFullPath=\"${1:path}\" />${0}"
"description": "Create HorizImgCollections Vue Component"
"VuepressTestStepsTable" : {
"prefix": "vtst",
"body": [
"<TestStepsTable ",
" jsonFullPath=\"${1:path}\"",
" targetVersion=\"${2:version}\"/>${0}"
"description": "Create TestStepsTable Vue Component"
"VuepressShield": {
"prefix": "vshield",
"body": [
"<Shield logo=\"${1:path}\"/>${0}"
"description": "Create Shield Vue Component"
"VuepressShieldsGroup": {
"prefix": "vsg",
"body": [
"<ShieldsGroup logos=\"${1:path}\"/>${0}"
"description": "Create ShieldsGroup Vue Component"
"VuepressFontIcon": {
"prefix": "vfi",
"body": [
"<FontIcon icon=\"iconfont icon-${1:name}\"/>${0}"
"description": "Create FontIcon Vue Componenet"
"VuepressFontIconAwesome": {
"prefix": "vfia",
"body": [
"<FontIcon icon=\"fas fa-${1:name}\"/>${0}"
"description": "Create FontIcon Vue Componenet (FontAwesome)"
"VuepressFontIconAwesomeBrand": {
"prefix": "vfiab",
"body": [
"<FontIcon icon=\"fa-brands fa-${1:name}\"/>${0}"
"description": "Create FontIcon Vue Componenet (FontAwesome Brand)"
"VuepressVPCard": {
"prefix": "vvpc",
"body": [
"```component VPCard",
" \"title\": \"${2:title}\",",
" \"desc\": \"${3:desc}\",",
" \"link\": \"${1:link}\",",
" \"logo\": \"${4:logo}\",",
" \"background\": \"rgba(${5:r},${6:g},${7:b},0.2)\"",
"description": "Create VPCard Vue Componenet"
"VuepressSiteInfo": {
"prefix": "vsi",
"body": [
" name=\"${2:title}\"",
" desc=\"${3:desc}\"",
" url=\"${1:link}\"",
" logo=\"${4:logo}\"",
" preview=\"${5:preview}\"/>${0}",
"description": "Create SiteInfo Vue Componenet"
"VuepressCodePen": {
"prefix": "vcp",
"body": [
" user=\"${2:user}\"",
" slug-hash=\"${3:slughash}\"",
" title=\"${4:title}\"",
" :default-tab=\"['css','result']\"",
" :theme=\"\\$isDarkmode ? 'dark': 'light'\"/>${0}",
"description": "Create CodePen Vue Componenet"
"VuepressImageGallery": {
"prefix": "vig",
"body": [
"<ImageGallery paths=\"",
" ${1:paths}",
"description": "Create ImageGallery Vue Component"
"MdTdDoArticles": {
"prefix": "mtda",
"body": [
"<!-- TODO: 작성 (/explore/articles/${1:domain}/${2:link}.md) -->${0}"
"description": "Create TODO Tag for writing articles"
"MdCodeTabs": {
"prefix": "mct",
"body": [
"::: code-tabs#${1:lang}",
"@tab:active ${2:target}",
"@tab ${3:targetNext}",
"description": "Create Code Tabs"
"MdSandpackReact": {
"prefix": "mspr",
"body": [
"::: sandpack#${1:lang} ${2:title} [rtl theme=dark]",
"@file /App.js",
"import React from \"react\";",
"import \"./styles.css\";",
"function App() {",
" return (",
" <div className=\"App\">",
" <h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>",
" <h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>",
" </div>",
" );",
"export default App;",
"@file /styles.css",
" dependencies: {",
" \"${3:pname}\": \"${4:pversion}\"",
" }",
"description": "Create Sandpack Template"
"TgKbd": {
"prefix": "tgkbd",
"body": [
"description": "Create Keyboard tag"
"jsonGhItem": {
"prefix": "ghItem",
"body": [
" \"repo\": \"${1:repo}\",",
" \"desc\": \"${2:desc}\",",
" \"officialSite\": \"${3:os}\",",
" \"topics\": [${4:topic}]",
"description": "Github Item as JSON"
"jsonYtItemAll": {
"prefix": "ytItemAll",
"body": [
" \"channel\": {",
" \"id\": \"${1:channelId}\",",
" \"name\": \"${2:channelName}\",",
" \"profile\": \"${3:imgUrl}\",",
" \"banner\": \"${4:bannerUrl}\"",
" },",
" \"videos\": [",
" ${0}",
" ]",
"description": "YouTube Item as JSON"