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About 2 minVSCodeSnippetsvscodevisual-studio-codeidesnippets

Snippets 관련

💡How to

Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.

Placeholders with the same ids are connected.


  • .Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\User\snippets
  • .Mac: ~/Application Support/Code/User/snippets

Vuepress Components


  "UrlGithubRepo": {
    "prefix": "urlghr",
    "body": [
    "description": "Create URL form for Github Repoistory"
  "VuepressMarkdownVidStack": {
    "prefix": "vpvs",
    "body": [
    "<VidStack src=\"${1:url}\" />",
    "description": "Create VidStack Vue Component"
  "VuepressMarkdownYoutube": {
    "prefix": "vpy",
    "body": [
    "<VidStack src=\"youtube/${1:id}\" />",
    "description": "Create VidStack Youtube Vue Component"
  "VuepressMarkdownYoutubeItem": {
    "prefix": "vpyi",
    "body": [
    "<YoutubeItem channelName=\"${1:channelName}\" channelId=\"${2:channelId}\" id=\"${3:id}\" title=\"${4:title}\" />",
    "description": "Create YoutubeItem Vue Component"
  "VuepressMarkdownGithubTags": {
    "prefix": "vpgt",
    "body": [
    "<GithubTags tagItems=\"${1:tagItems}\" />",
    "description": "Create 'GithubTags' Vue Component"
  "VuepressMarkdownYoutubeGroup": {
     "prefix": "vpyg",
     "body": [
     "## ${1:title}",
     "::: details ${3:목록}",
       "<!-- ${1:title} -->",
     "description": "Create YoutubeGroup Vue Component"
  "VuepressMyYouTubeItems" : {
    "prefix": "vmyti",
    "body": [
    "<MyYouTubeItems jsonName=\"yu-${1:channelId}\" />${0}"
    "description": "Create MyYouTubeItems Vue Component"
  "VuepressHorizImgCollection" : {
    "prefix": "vhic",
    "body": [
    "<HorizImgCollections jsonFullPath=\"${1:path}\" />${0}"
    "description": "Create HorizImgCollections Vue Component"
  "VuepressTestStepsTable" : {
    "prefix": "vtst",
    "body": [
    "<TestStepsTable ",
    "  jsonFullPath=\"${1:path}\"",
    "  targetVersion=\"${2:version}\"/>${0}"
    "description": "Create TestStepsTable Vue Component"
  "VuepressShield": {
    "prefix": "vshield",
    "body": [
    "<Shield logo=\"${1:path}\"/>${0}"
    "description": "Create Shield Vue Component"
  "VuepressShieldsGroup": {
    "prefix": "vsg",
    "body": [
    "<ShieldsGroup logos=\"${1:path}\"/>${0}"
    "description": "Create ShieldsGroup Vue Component"
  "VuepressFontIcon": {
    "prefix": "vfi",
    "body": [
    "<FontIcon icon=\"iconfont icon-${1:name}\"/>${0}"
    "description": "Create FontIcon Vue Componenet"
  "VuepressFontIconAwesome": {
    "prefix": "vfia",
    "body": [
    "<FontIcon icon=\"fas fa-${1:name}\"/>${0}"
    "description": "Create FontIcon Vue Componenet (FontAwesome)"
  "VuepressFontIconAwesomeBrand": {
    "prefix": "vfiab",
    "body": [
    "<FontIcon icon=\"fa-brands fa-${1:name}\"/>${0}"
    "description": "Create FontIcon Vue Componenet (FontAwesome Brand)"
  "VuepressVPCard": {
    "prefix": "vvpc",
    "body": [
    "```component VPCard",
    "  \"title\": \"${2:title}\",",
    "  \"desc\": \"${3:desc}\",",
    "  \"link\": \"${1:link}\",",
    "  \"logo\": \"${4:logo}\",",
    "  \"background\": \"rgba(${5:r},${6:g},${7:b},0.2)\"",
    "description": "Create VPCard Vue Componenet"
  "VuepressSiteInfo": {
    "prefix": "vsi",
    "body": [
      "  name=\"${2:title}\"",
      "  desc=\"${3:desc}\"",
      "  url=\"${1:link}\"",
      "  logo=\"${4:logo}\"",
      "  preview=\"${5:preview}\"/>${0}",
    "description": "Create SiteInfo Vue Componenet"
  "MdTdDoArticles": {
    "prefix": "mtda",
    "body": [
      "<!-- TODO: 작성 (/explore/articles/${1:domain}/${2:link}.md) -->${0}"
    "description": "Create TODO Tag for writing articles"
  "TgKbd": {
     "prefix": "tgkbd",
     "body": [
     "description": "Create Keyboard tag"


	"jsonGhItem": {
		"prefix": "ghItem",
		"body": [
		 "  \"repo\": \"${1:repo}\",",
		 "  \"desc\": \"${2:desc}\",", 
		 "  \"officialSite\": \"${3:os}\",",
		 "  \"topics\": [${4:topic}]",
		"description": "Github Item as JSON"
	"jsonYtItemAll": {
		"prefix": "ytItemAll",
		"body": [
			"  \"channel\": {",
			"    \"id\": \"${1:channelId}\",",
			"    \"name\": \"${2:channelName}\",",
			"    \"profile\": \"${3:imgUrl}\",",
			"    \"banner\": \"${4:bannerUrl}\"",
			"  },",
			"  \"videos\": [",
			"    ${0}",
			"  ]",
		"description": "YouTube Item as JSON"

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.