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Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers

Magazine on CSS, JavaScript, front-end, accessibility, UX and design. For developers, designers and front-end engineers.

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How to Build an MVP for Your Project – and Why You Should Do It

Proof of concept, prototypes, wireframes, mockups… what actually constitutes a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Well, it's a product with just enough features to gather comprehensive qualitative feedback. In practice, it's as easy to understand the concept of an MVP as it is to ride a bicycle. Let's do it then...
How to Use Viewing Patterns in Your Website Designs

While going through a website or an application, people tend to take in the information displayed differently. You may notice that sometimes a person may miss information that others wouldn't miss. This may have happened to you before, as well. This is because everyone has a particular way they process...
How Auto Scaling and Load Balancing Work in Software Architecture

While auto scaling and load balancing are two separate techniques in software architecture management, they are often implemented simultaneously. In the software architecture wild, one rarely exists without the other, as they complement each other to handle unpredictable changes in demand. This article will explain how auto scaling and load...
What is Accessibility in Web Development? Best Practices for Web Accessibility

Everyone should be able to use technology, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. An accessible website or platform attracts a broader audience and has a high chance of achieving user retention. This article will discuss the importance of accessibility, best practices for accessibility in frontend web development, and their implementations...
How to Use Breakpoints for Responsive Web Design

Breakpoints are fundamental to the concept of responsive web design. They enable websites to adapt seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. Breakpoints mark the points at which a website's layout and content should change to ensure optimal user experience on devices ranging from smartphones and tablets to desktop...

Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers

How To Run UX Research Without Access To Users

How do we conduct UX research when there is no or only limited access to users? Here are some workarounds to run UX research or make a strong case for it. An upcoming part of Smart Interface Design Patterns.
Why Designers Aren’t Understood

How do we conduct UX research when there is no or only limited access to users? Here are some workarounds to run UX research or make a strong case for it. An upcoming part of Smart Interface Design Patterns.
Building A User Segmentation Matrix To Foster Cross-Org Alignment

Many organizations prioritize internal structures and services over customer-centricity, hindering effective decision-making. Through a case study, Talke Hoppmann-Walton advocates for a shift towards an outside-in perspective and proposes the use of a user segmentation matrix to foster alignment across departments and prioritize customer needs.
Hidden vs. Disabled In UX

Should you hide or disable a feature? You’ve probably been there before. Here are some considerations for hiding versus disabling, along with possible alternatives to improve UX. An upcoming part of Smart Interface Design Patterns.
Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables

How can we get better at naming? This post is dedicated to naming conventions, tips, and real-world examples that help you name things in a robust and flexible way.
Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways

The web is still a young platform, and we’re only now beginning to recognize what 'success' looks like for large projects. In his recent Smashing book, Success at Scale, Addy Osmani presents practical case studies featuring the web’s most renowned companies and their efforts to make big changes to existing apps and sites. In this article, Addy shows some of the key insights he has learned.


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개발자가 알아야 할 데이터 지향 설계란?
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진짜 서버리스 vs 가짜 서버리스
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프론트엔드 개발자가 API를 설계하는 이유 | 요즘IT

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SSR 시작하기 전 알아야 할 것들 (feat. CSR) | 요즘IT

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개발자! 코드 경직성을 깨버려라

uMon의 이해 | NAVER D2

uMon의 이해
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올리브영 POS 서버 Modernization | 올리브영 테크블로그

올리브영 POS 서버 Modernization

AB180 엔지니어링 베이스 | 기술블로그

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.