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freeCodeCamp Programming Tutorials: Python, JavaScript, Git & More
Browse thousands of programming tutorials written by experts. Learn Web Development, Data Science, DevOps, Security, and get developer career advice.
Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers

Magazine on CSS, JavaScript, front-end, accessibility, UX and design. For developers, designers and front-end engineers.

요즘 사람들의 IT 매거진, 요즘IT


A Non-Technical Introduction to Generative AI

If you want to learn about the concepts around generative AI without getting bogged down with the technical details, we have a great course for you. We just published a course on the YouTube channel that is a non-technical intro to g...
The Generative AI Handbook – How GenAI is Impacting Business and Innovation

The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is both shaping the future of innovation management and revolutionizing it. This handbook delves into the groundbreaking research presented in 'Generative Artificial Intelligence in Innovation Management: A Preview of Future Research Developments' by Marcello Mariani and Yogesh K. Dwivedi (2024). It's a...
How to Create a ML Model with Azure Machine Learning Designer

Did you know that you can create machine learning models without writing any code? If you’re here, you’re probably curious about how to achieve this. In this article, I will guide you through building a regression model that predicts automobile prices using Azure Machine Learning’s Low-Code/No-Code tools. Regression is...
How to Build a RAG Chatbot with Agent Cloud and Google Sheets

Today's companies are data factories. Every interaction, transaction, and internal process generates a constant stream of information. This data holds immense value, promising to improve decision-making, streamline operations, and unlock deep customer insights. But data often remains siloed and inaccessible. It may be spread across different departments and systems...

Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers

How To Harness Mouse Interaction Data For Practical Machine Learning Solutions

In this article, Eduard Kuric discusses mouse interaction data, what kind of magic can be done with it, and some of the hidden pitfalls to watch out for so you get a head start incorporating them in your solutions.


AI 전성시대, CPU 아닌 GPU가 주목받는 이유 | 요즘IT

AI 전성시대, CPU 아닌 GPU가 주목받는 이유
‘머신러닝’ 기초 지식 톺아보기 | 요즘IT

‘머신러닝’ 기초 지식 톺아보기

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.