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Learn the Basics of Go by Building a Full Stack Web App with React and Go

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Learn the Basics of Go by Building a Full Stack Web App with React and Go 관련

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Learn the Basics of Go by Building a Full Stack Web App with React and Go
Go can work great on the backend for a React project. We just released a course on the channel that will leach you how to build a full stack web app with React and Go. This comprehensive course is designed to teach you the fundamenta...

Go can work great on the backend for a React project. We just released a course on the channel that will leach you how to build a full stack web app with React and Go. This comprehensive course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of Go while guiding you through the creation of a full stack web application. Throughout the course, you'll work with a variety of modern technologies, including React, TypeScript, MongoDB, TanStack Query, and ChakraUI.

In this project-based course, you'll build a fully functional web app with Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) functionality for todos. The app will feature a stylish user interface with light and dark modes, ensuring a responsive design that looks great on any screen size. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of Go and React, along with hands-on experience in integrating various modern tools and libraries.

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for simplicity and performance. You'll learn how to set up a Go project, build APIs, and handle server-side logic. On the frontend, you'll use React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, to create the components of your application. The use of TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, will help catch errors early and make the code more robust and maintainable.

For data storage, the course will guide you through integrating MongoDB, a NoSQL database known for its flexibility and scalability, with your Go APIs. You'll also use TanStack Query, a powerful tool for handling data fetching, caching, and updates in your React applications. This will help you manage server state and ensure your app performs efficiently. To create a stylish and responsive user interface, you'll utilize ChakraUI, a modern React component library that provides a set of accessible, reusable, and composable UI components.

Course Contents

Here are the sections in this course:

  • Intro & Demo: Get an overview of the course and see a demo of the final project.
  • Comparing to Node.js: Understand the differences between Go and Node.js and why you might choose Go for your projects.
  • Project Setup: Set up your development environment and initialize your project.
  • API without DB: Build the initial API endpoints without connecting to a database.
  • API with DB: Integrate MongoDB to add persistent data storage to your API.
  • UI Design: Design the frontend of your app using React and ChakraUI.
  • Consume API from React: Learn how to make API calls from your React frontend.
  • Configuration for Deployment: Prepare your app for deployment, ensuring it is production-ready.
  • Deployment for Free: Deploy your app using free hosting services, making it accessible to the world.


Whether you're a beginner looking to learn Go or an experienced developer wanting to expand your skill set, this course has something for everyone. Watch the course on the YouTube channelopen in new window (2-hour watch).

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.