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Fixing Project 10: Codable

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Fixing Project 10: Codable 관련

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Fixing Project 10: Codable | Hacking with iOS

Fixing Project 10: Codable

NSCoding is a great way to read and write data when using UserDefaults, and is the most common option when you must write Swift code that lives alongside Objective-C code.

However, if you’re only writing Swift, the Codable protocol is much easier. We already used it to load petition JSON back in project 7, but now we’ll be loading and saving JSON.

There are three primary differences between the two solutions:

  1. The Codable system works on both classes and structs. We made Person a class because NSCoding only works with classes, but if you didn’t care about Objective-C compatibility you could make it a struct and use Codable instead.
  2. When we implemented NSCoding in the previous chapter we had to write encode() and init() calls ourself. With Codable this isn’t needed unless you need more precise control - it does the work for you.
  3. When you encode data using Codable you can save to the same format that NSCoding uses if you want, but a much more pleasant option is JSON – Codable reads and writes JSON natively.

All three of those combined means that you can define a struct to hold data, and have Swift create instances of that struct directly from JSON with no extra work from you.

Anyway, to demonstrate more of Codable in action I’d like you to close project12a and open project12b – this should be identical to project 10, because it doesn’t contain any of the NSCoding changes.

First, let’s modify the Person class so that it conforms to Codable:

class Person: NSObject, Codable {

…and that’s it. Yes, just adding Codable to the class definition is enough to tell Swift we want to read and write this thing. So, now we can go back to ViewController.swift and add code to load and save the people array.

As with NSCoding we’re going to create a single save() method we can use anywhere that's needed. This time it’s going to use the JSONEncoder class to convert our people array into a Data object, which can then be saved to UserDefaults. This conversion might fail, so we’re going to use if let and try? so that we save data only when the JSON conversion was successful.

Add this method to ViewController.swift now:

func save() {
    let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
    if let savedData = try? jsonEncoder.encode(people) {
        let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        defaults.set(savedData, forKey: "people")
    } else {
        print("Failed to save people.")

Just like with the NSCoding example you need to modify our collection view's didSelectItemAt method so that you call self?.save() just after calling self.collectionView.reloadData(). Again, remember that adding self is required because we're inside a closure. You then need to modify the image picker's didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo method so that it calls save() just before the end of the method.

Finally, we need to load the array back from disk when the app runs, so add this code to viewDidLoad():

let defaults = UserDefaults.standard

if let savedPeople = defaults.object(forKey: "people") as? Data {
    let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()

    do {
        people = try jsonDecoder.decode([Person].self, from: savedPeople)
    } catch {
        print("Failed to load people")

This code is effectively the save() method in reverse: we use the object(forKey:) method to pull out an optional Data, using if let and as? to unwrap it. We then give that to an instance of JSONDecoder to convert it back to an object graph – i.e., our array of Person objects.

Once again, note the interesting syntax for decode() method: its first parameter is [Person].self, which is Swift’s way of saying “attempt to create an array of Person objects.” This is why we don’t need a typecast when assigning to people – that method will automatically return [People], or if the conversion fails then the catch block will be executed instead.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.