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Preparing for action

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Preparing for action 관련

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Preparing for action | Hacking with iOS

Preparing for action

Open Interface Builder with Main.storyboard and place a button on there with the title "Tap" – position it in the middle of the screen, near the bottom. Don’t worry that we’re positioning things using an iPhone XR-sized screen – Auto Layout will automatically make it look great on iPads.

We want our button to always stay near the bottom of the view controller, so Ctrl-drag from the button to the view directly below it and choose “Bottom Space to Safe Area.” Now Ctrl-drag the same way again and choose "Center Horizontally in Safe Area.”

That's it for Auto Layout, so please switch to the assistant view so we can add an action and an outlet. Ctrl-drag from the button to your code to create an action for the button called tapped().

Every time the user taps the "Tap" button, we're going to execute a different animation. This will be accomplished by cycling through a counter, and moving an image view. To make all that work, you need to add two more properties to the class:

var imageView: UIImageView!
var currentAnimation = 0

There isn't an image view in the storyboard – we're going to create it ourself in viewDidLoad() using an initializer that takes a UIImage and makes the image view the correct size for the image.

Add this code to viewDidLoad():

imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "penguin")) = CGPoint(x: 512, y: 384)

That places the penguin in the middle of an iPad-sized landscape screen, ready for us to animate.

There's one more thing we're going to do before we start looking at the animations, and that's to put a little bit of code into the tapped() method so that we cycle through animations each time the button is tapped. Put this in there:

currentAnimation += 1

if currentAnimation > 7 {
    currentAnimation = 0

That will add 1 to the value of currentAnimation until it reaches 7, at which point it will set it back to 0.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.