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Wrap up

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Wrap up 관련

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Wrap up | Hacking with iOS

Wrap up

Debugging is a unique and essential skill that’s similar but different to regular coding. As you’ve just seen, there are lots of options to choose from, and you will – I promise! – use all of them at some point. Yes, even print().

There's more to learn about debugging, such as the Step Into and Step Out commands, but realistically you need to start with what you have before you venture any further. I would much rather you mastered three of the debugging tools available to you rather than having a weak grasp of all of them.

Review what you learned

Anyone can sit through a tutorial, but it takes actual work to remember what was taught. It’s my job to make sure you take as much from these tutorials as possible, so I’ve prepared a short review to help you check your learning.

Review – Project 18: Debugging – Hacking with Swift

Interactive tests that help gauge your progress learning Swift


One of the best ways to learn is to write your own code as often as possible, so here are three ways you should try your new knowledge to make sure you fully understand what’s going on:

  1. Temporarily try adding an exception breakpoint to project 1, then changing the call to instantiateViewController() so that it uses the storyboard identifier “Bad” – this will fail, but your exception breakpoint should catch it.
  2. In project 1, add a call to assert() in the viewDidLoad() method of DetailViewController.swift, checking that selectedImage always has a value.
  3. Go back to project 5, and try adding a conditional breakpoint to the start of the submit() method that pauses only if the user submits a word with six or more letters.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.