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Editing multiline text with UITextView

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Editing multiline text with UITextView 관련

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Editing multiline text with UITextView | Hacking with iOS

Editing multiline text with UITextView

Our extension is going to let users type in JavaScript, so before we get onto more coding we're going to add a basic user interface. Open MainInterface.storyboard, then delete its UIImageView and navigation bar. Once that's done, embed the view controller in a navigation controller.


When you delete the image view, it’s possible Xcode might leave its connection intact. This will cause you problems later, so I suggest you double check the image view is really dead: right-click on the yellow view controller circle above your view, and if you see an outlet called “imageView” click the X next to it to clear the connection.

We're going to use a new UIKit component called UITextView. You already met UITextField in project 5, and it's useful for letting users enter text into a single-line text box. But if you want multiple lines of text you need UITextView, so search for "textview" in the object library and drag one into your view so that it takes up all the space. Delete the template "Lorem ipsum" text that is in there.

Go to the Editor menu and use Resolve Layout Issues > Reset To Suggested Constraints to add automatic Auto Layout constraints. Now use the assistant editor to create an outlet named script for the text view in ActionViewController.swift, and while you're there you can delete the UIImageView outlet that Xcode made for you.

This text view is going to contain code rather than writing, so we don’t want any of Apple’s “helpful” text correction systems in place. To turn them off, select the text view then go to the attributes inspector – you want to to set Capitalization to None, then Correction, Smart Dashes, Smart Insert, Smart Quotes, and Spell Checking all to No.

That's everything for Interface Builder, so switch back to the standard editor, open ActionViewController.swift and add these two properties to your class:

var pageTitle = ""
var pageURL = ""

We're going to store these two because they are being transmitted by Safari. We'll use the page title to show useful text in the navigation bar, and the URL is there for you to use yourself if you make improvements.

You already saw that we're receiving the data dictionary from Safari, because we used the print() function to output its values. Replace the print() call with this:

self?.pageTitle = javaScriptValues["title"] as? String ?? ""
self?.pageURL = javaScriptValues["URL"] as? String ?? ""

DispatchQueue.main.async {
    self?.title = self?.pageTitle

That sets our two properties from the javaScriptValues dictionary, typecasting them as String. It then uses async() to set the view controller's title property on the main queue. This is needed because the closure being executed as a result of loadItem(forTypeIdentifier:) could be called on any thread, and we don't want to change the UI unless we're on the main thread.

You might have noticed that I haven't written [weak self] in for the async() call, and that's because it's not needed. The closure will capture the variables it needs, which includes self, but we're already inside a closure that has declared self to be weak, so this new closure will use that.

We can immediately make our app useful by modifying the done() method. It's been there all along, but I've been ignoring it because there's so much other prep to do just to get out of first gear, but it's now time to turn our eyes towards it and add some functionality.

The done() method was originally called as an action from the storyboard, but we deleted the navigation bar Apple put in because it's terrible. Instead, let's create a UIBarButtonItem in code, and make that call done() instead. Put this in viewDidLoad():

navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .done, target: self, action: #selector(done))

Right now, done() just has one line of code, which is this:

self.extensionContext!.completeRequest(returningItems: self.extensionContext!.inputItems, completionHandler: nil)

Calling completeRequest(returningItems:) on our extension context will cause the extension to be closed, returning back to the parent app. However, it will pass back to the parent app any items that we specify, which in the current code is the same items that were sent in.

In a Safari extension like ours, the data we return here will be passed in to the finalize() function in the Action.js JavaScript file, so we're going to modify the done() method so that it passes back the text the user entered into our text view.

To make this work, we need to:

  • Create a new NSExtensionItem object that will host our items.
  • Create a dictionary containing the key "customJavaScript" and the value of our script.
  • Put that dictionary into another dictionary with the key NSExtensionJavaScriptFinalizeArgumentKey.
  • Wrap the big dictionary inside an NSItemProvider object with the type identifier kUTTypePropertyList.
  • Place that NSItemProvider into our NSExtensionItem as its attachments.
  • Call completeRequest(returningItems:), returning our NSExtensionItem.

I realize that seems like far more effort than it ought to be, but it's really just the reverse of what we are doing inside viewDidLoad().

With all that in mind, rewrite your done() method to this:

@IBAction func done() {
    let item = NSExtensionItem()
    let argument: NSDictionary = ["customJavaScript": script.text]
    let webDictionary: NSDictionary = [NSExtensionJavaScriptFinalizeArgumentKey: argument]
    let customJavaScript = NSItemProvider(item: webDictionary, typeIdentifier: kUTTypePropertyList as String)
    item.attachments = [customJavaScript]

    extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: [item])

That's all the code required to send data back to Safari, at which point it will appear inside the finalize() function in Action.js. From there we can do what we like with it, but in this project the JavaScript we need to write is remarkably simple: we pull the "customJavaScript" value out of the parameters array, then pass it to the JavaScript eval() function, which executes any code it finds.

Open Action.js, and change the finalize() function to this:

finalize: function(parameters) {
    var customJavaScript = parameters["customJavaScript"];

That's it! Our user has written their code in our extension, tapped Done, and it gets executed in Safari using eval(). If you want to give it a try, enter the code alert(document.title); into the extension. When you tap Done, you'll return to Safari and see the page title in a message box.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.