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SwiftData by Example

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Dedication | SwiftData by Example


Updated for Xcode 15

Ever since SwiftUI shipped, folks in the community were asking the same question: when will Core Data get its own SwiftUI-like rethink?

It might sound easy from our perspective as external developers, but the truth is that taking something as mature and powerful as Core Data and transforming it for modern Swift is a gigantic undertaking.

We wanted to keep all the power features of Core Data, such as data migration, iCloud support, faulting, and more, but we also wanted a significantly simpler API, we wanted tight integration with SwiftUI, and above all we wanted something "Swifty" – something that used the Swift language to its fullest, so it could be as expressive as possible.

Apple announced SwiftData at WWDC23, and it has proved to be a gigantic step forward for app developers. The team behind it have managed to blend the power of Core Data with the simplicity and clarity of Swift, and when you start using it you'll realize just how amazing SwiftData is – it's often almost invisible, which is remarkable.

Getting to this point took an astonishing amount of effort from the SwiftData team, from the Core Data team, from the Swift and SwiftUI teams, plus developer publications and so many more.

I wish I could list them all here and thank them personally, but the only ones I can be sure of are the people who have appeared in recent WWDC videos or who have mentioned their involvement publicly.

So, this book is dedicated to Daniel Duan, Nick Gillett, Debbie Goldsmith, Luvena Huo, Scott Perry, Matt Ricketson, Jeremy Schonfeld, David Stites, Ben Trumbull, Julia Vashchenko, Rishi Verma, and all the dozens of other folks who worked so hard to make SwiftData what it is today. This absolutely includes the many people who have contributed to Core Data to make it what it is today, all the way back to Bill Bumgarner, because SwiftData is truly standing on the shoulders of giants.

We may never know how many more folks from around Apple helped make SwiftData what it is, but I hope every one of them feels proud to have helped bring it to life.

Thank you.


I was there at Apple Park when Apple announced SwiftData. Having spent a decade teaching folks how to use Core Data, seeing SwiftData finally becoming a reality was a huge moment because I knew how much it would impact learners. If you'd like to see just how huge, I captured it live, just for you…

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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