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How to follow this quick start guide

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How to follow this quick start guide 관련

SwiftData by Example

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How to follow this quick start guide | SwiftData by Example

How to follow this quick start guide

Updated for Xcode 15

This guide is called SwiftData by Example, because it focuses particularly on providing as many examples as possible, with each one solving real problems you’ll face every day.

I have tried to structure this so that most entries starts with “How to…” because this is about giving you hands-on code you can use in your own projects immediately. That also means I’ve tried to get to the point as fast as possible and stay there, so if you’re looking for a longer, slower introduction to SwiftData I’m afraid this isn’t it.

Already got some experience?

If you’ve already grabbed the basics of SwiftData and just want code that solves your problems, by all means just jump in wherever interests you.

My code examples are specifically written for folks who are following along more or less linearly, so if you want to make changes you may need to do a little light editing to make it fit your code.

Just starting out?

If you’re just starting out with SwiftData you should start by completing the initial sample project, then just skip around based on what interests you.

I would recommend against using Xcode's SwiftData template. It doesn’t add a great deal of helpful code, and you’ll just need to replace it with your own code anyway.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.