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How to align form text and controls neatly with LabeledContent

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How to align form text and controls neatly with LabeledContent 관련

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How to align form text and controls neatly with LabeledContent | SwiftUI by Example

How to align form text and controls neatly with LabeledContent

Updated for Xcode 15

SwiftUI's forms do a great job of making many views look good out of the box, but sometimes you need a little extra control to get exactly the right result – aligning text correctly, labelling custom views, or aligning controls that don't carry labels such as Slider.

In its simplest form, using LabeledContent is similar to using the badge() modifier:

Form {
    LabeledContent("This is important", value: "Value goes here")

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This will place the title on the leading edge of the screen and the value on the trailing edge. The alignment will automatically adjust depending on your platform: iOS left aligns the title and right aligns the value, whereas macOS right aligns the title and left aligns the value. This is particularly important for forms on macOS, where other view types such as TextField and Toggle automatically align their title and value, whereas Slider would not.

On iOS this use of LabeledContent gives the same result as using Text("This is important").badge("Value goes here"), but the real power of LabeledContent is that it can take any view, whereas badges accepts only text and numbers.

So, we could use LabeledContent to show an image by passing a custom content closure:

LabeledContent("This is important") {
    Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")

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But more importantly, we can also use it with any views that would not normally have a label, such as Slider:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var brightness = 0.5

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            LabeledContent {
                Slider(value: $brightness)
            } label: {

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This is particularly important on macOS, because it was place the label on the left-hand side of the form and the slider on the right.


At the time of writing, some SwiftUI views such as Stepper will not use the title of your LabeledContent for VoiceOver. This makes them rather opaque in terms of accessibility support, so you should use them carefully.

If the title of your LabeledContent includes two pieces of text, iOS will automatically render the second text in a smaller, lighter font, making it look like a subtitle:

Form {
    LabeledContent {
    } label: {

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In fact, it supports up to four pieces of text using this approach, with each one rendered smaller and lighter:

Form {
    LabeledContent {
    } label: {

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If you apply the labelsHidden() modifier to any LabeledContent, the label title will be hidden while leaving the content visible.

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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