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How to Work on a Multi-Library Project in Android – Locally and Remotely

In this article, we're going to talk about multi-library projects in Android. It's not something ordinary, but not something out of the ordinary either. You may have come across multi-library projects in your line of work, or you may be looking into converting your library into sub-modules for better...
How to Migrate from Play Core Library

You may have recently received an email from Google Play Store stating the following: > Update your Play Core Maven dependency to an Android 14 compatible version! Your current Play Core library is incompatible with targetSdkVersion 34 (Android 14), which introduces a backwards-incompatible change to broadcast receivers to improve user...


Augmented Reality in Android with Google’s Face API

You’ll build a Snapchat Lens-like app called FaceSpotter which draws cartoony features over faces in a camera feed using augmented reality.
Couchbase Tutorial for Android - Getting Started

In this couchbase tutorial, you will learn how to use prebuilt Couchbase Lite databases, model, query, upload and sync data including attachments.
Android Accessibility Tutorial: Getting Started

In this Android accessibility tutorial, learn how to make apps that everyone can use, including people with vision, motor, or hearing disabilities.


ViewPager Tutorial - Getting Started in Kotlin

In this ViewPager tutorial for Android, you’ll learn how to use a ViewPager to navigate between content pages in Kotlin.
Intermediate RecyclerView Tutorial with Kotlin

In this RecyclerView tutorial you will learn how to build out intermediate techniques like swiping, animation and filtering in Kotlin.
Dependency Injection in Android with Dagger 2 and Kotlin

In this Android with Kotlin tutorial, you’ll learn about dependency injection and how to make use of the Dagger 2 Java/Android framework for this purpose.
Getting Started with Android Wear with Kotlin

In this Android Wear tutorial, you’ll learn how to build an Android app for the Android Wear platform using the Kotlin language.
Introduction to Google Maps API for Android with Kotlin

In this Google Maps API Tutorial for Android you will learn how to retrieve the user’s current location, get location updates and search for places.
Documenting Kotlin Code for Android Using KDoc and Dokkas

Learn how to use KDoc to document your Kotlin code and generate beautiful-looking documentation pages using Dokka.s

'', // 2022-03-28


Android, iOS 웹뷰에서 딥링크 열기 | 요즘IT

Android, iOS 웹뷰에서 딥링크 열기
CJ온스타일의 안드로이드 앱 '클린 아키텍처' 도입기 | 요즘IT

CJ온스타일의 안드로이드 앱 '클린 아키텍처' 도입기

Android Community on a Global Scale - droidcon

Publishing Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries With Sonatype Central - droidcon

With JCenter sunsetted, distributing public Kotlin Multiplatform libraries now often relies on Maven Central via Sonatype. However, the transition from to in March 2024 has left many developers grappling with outdated resources and scarce guidance.


Item 28: Consider wrapping external APIs

Why we should wrap external APIs and how to do it.

NHN Cloud Meetup - NHN 기술 블로그

PLT Hook 체크를 위한 Android so 파일 파싱 | NHN Cloud Meetup

PLT Hook 체크를 위한 Android so 파일 파싱

강남언니 공식 블로그

Privacy Changes in Android Q#1

백그라운드 앱에 대한 새로운 제한사항
Privacy Changes in Android Q#2

안드로이드 기기 고유 식별자 제한
안드로이드 MotionLayout

Android MotionLayout 사용해보기

뱅크샐러드 공식 블로그 | 메인

뱅크샐러드 안드로이드 앱에서 Koin 걷어내고 Hilt로 마이그레이션하기 | SwiftUI by Example

뱅크샐러드 안드로이드 앱에서 Koin 걷어내고 Hilt로 마이그레이션하기

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.