What Is a File?
What Is a File? 관련

Before we can go into how to work with files in Python, it’s important to understand what exactly a file is and how modern operating systems handle some of their aspects.
At its core, a file is a contiguous set of bytes used to store data. This data is organized in a specific format and can be anything as simple as a text file or as complicated as a program executable. In the end, these byte files are then translated into binary 1
and 0
for easier processing by the computer.
Files on most modern file systems are composed of three main parts:
- Header: metadata about the contents of the file (file name, size, type, and so on)
- Data: contents of the file as written by the creator or editor
- End of file (EOF): special character that indicates the end of the file

What this data represents depends on the format specification used, which is typically represented by an extension. For example, a file that has an extension of .gif
most likely conforms to the Graphics Interchange Format specification. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of file extensions out there. For this tutorial, you’ll only deal with .txt
or .csv
file extensions.
File Paths
When you access a file on an operating system, a file path is required. The file path is a string that represents the location of a file. It’s broken up into three major parts:
- Folder Path: the file folder location on the file system where subsequent folders are separated by a forward slash
(Unix) or backslash `` (Windows) - File Name: the actual name of the file
- Extension: the end of the file path pre-pended with a period (
) used to indicate the file type
Here’s a quick example. Let’s say you have a file located within a file structure like this:
├── path/
| │
│ ├── to/
│ │ └── cats.gif
│ │
│ └── dog_breeds.txt
└── animals.csv
Let’s say you wanted to access the cats.gif
file, and your current location was in the same folder as path
. In order to access the file, you need to go through the path
folder and then the to
folder, finally arriving at the cats.gif
file. The Folder Path is path/to/
. The File Name is cats
. The File Extension is .gif
. So the full path is path/to/
Now let’s say that your current location or current working directory (cwd) is in the to
folder of our example folder structure. Instead of referring to the cats.gif
by the full path of path/to/
, the file can be simply referenced by the file name and extension cats.gif
├── path/
| │
| ├── to/ ← Your current working directory (cwd) is here
| │ └── cats.gif ← Accessing this file
| │
| └── dog_breeds.txt
└── animals.csv
But what about dog_breeds.txt
? How would you access that without using the full path? You can use the special characters double-dot (..
) to move one directory up. This means that ../dog_breeds.txt
will reference the dog_breeds.txt
file from the directory of to
├── path/ ← Referencing this parent folder
| │
| ├── to/ ← Current working directory (cwd)
| │ └── cats.gif
| │
| └── dog_breeds.txt ← Accessing this file
└── animals.csv
The double-dot (..
) can be chained together to traverse multiple directories above the current directory. For example, to access animals.csv
from the to
folder, you would use ../../animals.csv
Line Endings
One problem often encountered when working with file data is the representation of a new line or line ending. The line ending has its roots from back in the Morse Code era, when a specific pro-sign was used to communicate the end of a transmission or the end of a line.
Later, this was standardized for teleprinters by both the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the American Standards Association (ASA). ASA standard states that line endings should use the sequence of the Carriage Return (CR
or \r
) and the Line Feed (LF
or \n
) characters (CR+LF
or \r\n
). The ISO standard however allowed for either the CR+LF
characters or just the LF
Windows uses the CR+LF
characters to indicate a new line, while Unix and the newer Mac versions use just the LF
character. This can cause some complications when you’re processing files on an operating system that is different than the file’s source. Here’s a quick example. Let’s say that we examine the file dog_breeds.txt
that was created on a Windows system:
Jack Russell Terrier\r\n
English Springer Spaniel\r\n
German Shepherd\r\n
Staffordshire Bull Terrier\r\n
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel\r\n
Golden Retriever\r\n
West Highland White Terrier\r\n
Border Terrier\r\n
This same output will be interpreted on a Unix device differently:
Jack Russell Terrier\r
English Springer Spaniel\r
German Shepherd\r
Staffordshire Bull Terrier\r
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel\r
Golden Retriever\r
West Highland White Terrier\r
Border Terrier\r
This can make iterating over each line problematic, and you may need to account for situations like this.
Character Encodings
Another common problem that you may face is the encoding of the byte data. An encoding is a translation from byte data to human readable characters. This is typically done by assigning a numerical value to represent a character. The two most common encodings are the ASCII and UNICODE Formats. ASCII can only store 128 characters, while Unicode can contain up to 1,114,112 characters.
ASCII is actually a subset of Unicode (UTF-8), meaning that ASCII and Unicode share the same numerical to character values. It’s important to note that parsing a file with the incorrect character encoding can lead to failures or misrepresentation of the character. For example, if a file was created using the UTF-8 encoding, and you try to parse it using the ASCII encoding, if there is a character that is outside of those 128 values, then an error will be thrown.