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Ruby on Jets | The Ruby Serverless Framework
Jets - The Ruby Serverless Framework

Jets: The Ruby Serverless Framework

Ruby on Jets allows you to create and deploy serverless services with ease, and to seamlessly glue AWS services together with the most beautiful dynamic language: Ruby. It includes everything you need to build an API and deploy it to AWS Lambda. Jets leverages the power of Ruby to make serverless joyful for everyone.


Table of Contents

AWS Lambda Function - Jets Introduction Series Part 1

API Gateway - Jets Introduction Series Part 2

CloudWatch Event Rule - Jets Introduction Series Part 3

Hello World Examples - Jets Introduction Series Part 4

Intro CRUD App Part 1

Deploy to AWS Lambda Part 2

Debugging Logs Part 3

Background Jobs Part 4

IAM Policies Part 5

Function Properties Part 6

Extra Environments Part 7

Different Environments Part 8

Polymorphic Support Part 9

Jets Delete Tutorial

Build an API with the Jets Ruby Serverless Framework

Official AWS Ruby Support for Jets

Introducing Jets - A Ruby Serverless Framework

Build an API with Jets

Serverless Slack Commands - Fun with AWS Image Recognition

Rails Support - Jets Afterburner

Jets Afterburner - Serverless Rails on AWS Lambda in 5 Minutes
Image Upload Carrierwave Tutorial

Jets Image Upload Carrierwave Tutorial - Binary Support
Toronto Serverless Presentation

Ruby on Rails Podcast Jets Episode

Serverless Gems - Hassle-Free Serverless Ruby

Mega Mode - Jets + Rails


์ด์ฐฌํฌ (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.