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Different Environments Part 8

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Different Environments Part 8 ๊ด€๋ จ

Different Environments Part 8


In this video, we continue the tutorials on the Jets Ruby Serverless Frameworkopen in new window that adds Ruby support to AWS Lambda. We talk about the difference between Jets extra vs different environments. Different environments refer to development, staging, uat, production environments. Extra environments refer to instances of each of those environments. For example, development-1, development-2, development-3, etc.

Extra environments are controlled with the environment variable JETS_ENV_EXTRA Different environments are controlled with the environment variable JETS_ENV

Summary of What Weโ€™ll Cover

  • Explain JETS_ENV
  • Provide a demo


To delete the newly created production environment:

JETS_ENV=production jets delete

Note, youโ€™ll be prompted with an โ€˜Are you sure?โ€™ message.