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Function Properties Part 6

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Function Properties Part 6 ๊ด€๋ จ

Function Properties Part 6


In this video, we continue the tutorials on the Jets Ruby Serverless Frameworkopen in new window that adds Ruby support to AWS Lambda. Weโ€™ll demonstrate how to customize the properties associated with the Lambda functions that Jets creates. There are 3 ways to set function properties with Jets: at the function level, class level or application level. Weโ€™ll also explore the AWS Lambda console and shows how the Lambda function properties connect with Jets.

Hereโ€™s a list of the properties you can adjust.

  • dead_letter_config
  • description
  • environment
  • handler
  • kms_key_arn
  • memory_size
  • reserved_concurrent_executions
  • role
  • runtime
  • timeout
  • tracing_config
  • vpc_config
  • tags

For more info, refer to the Function Propertiesopen in new window docs.

Summary of What Weโ€™ll Cover

  • What function properties are
  • Take a look at function properties in the Lambda Console
  • Take a look at helpful CloudFormation docs that list the properties
  • Show how Jets allows you to customize any property
  • Explain Jets function properties precedence
  • Deploy and demo function properties in action with an example

์ด์ฐฌํฌ (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.