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IAM Policies Part 5

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IAM Policies Part 5 ๊ด€๋ จ

IAM Policies Part 5


In this video, we continue the tutorials on the Jets Ruby Serverless Frameworkopen in new window that adds Ruby support to AWS Lambda. Weโ€™ll demonstrate how to customize the IAM policies and roles associated with Jets Lambda functions. IAM policies are important because they handle securing access to your AWS resources so itโ€™s worth learning them. Jets provides you with fine-grain control over the IAM permissions at the function, class, and application level.

Summary of What Weโ€™ll Cover

  • Cover the 2 types of IAM Policies: Custom and Managed
  • Show to define both IAM policy types with Jets
  • Explain how the Jets shorthand IAM policy definition gets expanded
  • Explore the roles and their policies in the IAM Console
  • Show how the IAM Roles connect back to the Jets application
  • Deploy custom IAM Policies
  • Review the newly created IAM Policies

More info

For an Jets Introduction: Introducing Jets: A Ruby Serverless Frameworkopen in new window.

์ด์ฐฌํฌ (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.