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How To Publish MediatR Notifications In Parallel

About 3 minC#DotNetArticle(s)blogmilanjovanovic.techcsc#csharpdotnet

How To Publish MediatR Notifications In Parallel 관련

C# > Article(s)


How To Publish MediatR Notifications In Parallel
MediatR is a popular library with a simple mediator pattern implementation in .NET. Here's a definiton taken from MediatR's GitHub: 'In-process messaging with no dependencies.' With the rise in popularity of the CQRS pattern, MediatR became the go-to library to implement commands and queries. However, MediatR also has support for the publish-subscribe pattern using notifications. You can publish an INotification instance and have multiple subscribers handle the published message. Until recently, the handlers subscribing to an INotification message could only execute serially, one by one.

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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