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Name evaluated files with the sourceURL pragma

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Name evaluated files with the sourceURL pragma 관련

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Name evaluated files with the sourceURL pragma | Devtools Tips

Name evaluated files with the sourceURL pragma

If you insert JavaScript code in a webpage by using the eval() function, or inline <script> tags, you can use the sourceURL pragma to give them a name in DevTools.

For example, when using eval():

eval('console.log("Hello world!")\n//# sourceURL=hello-world.js');

The above code snippet not only runs the evaluated code, but it also makes it appear in the Sources (or Debugger) tool as if it came from a file named hello-world.js.

<FontIcon icon="fa-brands fa-firefox-browser"/>Firefox DevTools, the  pragma was used when evaluating some code in the Console, and a new file now appears in the Debugger tool, named after the string provided in the sourceURL pragma
Firefox DevTools, the sourceURL pragma was used when evaluating some code in the Console, and a new file now appears in the Debugger tool, named after the string provided in the sourceURL pragma

This can also be useful when using inline <script> tags:

  console.log("Hello world!")
  //# sourceURL=hello-world.js

Using the sourceURL pragma is a great way to debug your code more easily in DevTools. Console messages will be easier to identify, and source code will be easier to debug.

See also

이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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