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How to use @MainActor to run code on the main queue

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How to use @MainActor to run code on the main queue 관련

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How to use @MainActor to run code on the main queue | Swift Concurrency by Example

How to use @MainActor to run code on the main queue

Updated for Xcode 15

@MainActor is a global actor that uses the main queue for executing its work. In practice, this means methods or types marked with @MainActor can (for the most part) safely modify the UI because it will always be running on the main queue, and calling will push some custom work of your choosing to the main actor, and thus to the main queue. At the simplest level both of these features are straightforward to use, but as you’ll see there’s a lot of complexity behind them.

First, let’s look at using @MainActor, which automatically makes a single method or all methods on a type run on the main actor. This is particularly useful for any types that exist to update your user interface, such as ObservableObject classes.

For example, we could create a observable object with two @Published properties, and because they will both update the UI we would mark the whole class with @MainActor to ensure these UI updates always happen on the main actor:

class AccountViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var username = "Anonymous"
    @Published var isAuthenticated = false

In fact, this set up is so central to the way ObservableObject works that SwiftUI bakes it right in: whenever you use @StateObject or @ObservedObject inside a view, Swift will ensure that the whole view runs on the main actor so that you can’t accidentally try to publish UI updates in a dangerous way. Even better, no matter what property wrappers you use, the body property of your SwiftUI views is always run on the main actor.

Does that mean you don’t need to explicitly add @MainActor to observable objects? Well, no – there are still benefits to using @MainActor with these classes, not least if they are using async/await to do their own asynchronous work such as downloading data from a server.

So, my recommendation is simple: even though SwiftUI ensures main-actor-ness when using @ObservableObject, @StateObject, and SwiftUI view body properties, it’s a good idea to add the @MainActor attribute to all your observable object classes to be absolutely sure all UI updates happen on the main actor. If you need certain methods or computed properties to opt out of running on the main actor, use nonisolated as you would do with a regular actor.


I’ve said it previously, but it’s worth repeating: you should not attempt to use actors for your observable objects, because they must do their UI updates on the main actor rather than a custom actor.

More broadly, any type that has @MainActor objects as properties will also implicitly be @MainActor using global actor inference – a set of rules that Swift applies to make sure global-actor-ness works without getting in the way too much. I’ll cover these rules in the next chapter, because they are quite precise.

The magic of @MainActor is that it automatically forces methods or whole types to run on the main actor, a lot of the time without any further work from us. Previously we needed to do it by hand, remembering to use code like DispatchQueue.main.async() or similar every place it was needed, but now the compiler does it for us automatically.

Be careful: @MainActor is really helpful to make code run on the main actor, but it’s not foolproof. For example, if you have a @MainActor class then in theory all its methods will run on the main actor, but one of those methods could trigger code to run on a background task. For example, if you’re using Face ID and call evaluatePolicy() to authenticate the user, the completion handler will be called on a background thread even though that code is still within the @MainActor class.

If you do need to spontaneously run some code on the main actor, you can do that by calling and providing your work. This allows you to safely push work onto the main actor no matter where your code is currently running, like this:

func couldBeAnywhere() async {
    await {
        print("This is on the main actor.")

await couldBeAnywhere()

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You can send back nothing from run() if you want, or send back a value like this:

func couldBeAnywhere() async {
    let result = await { () -> Int in
        print("This is on the main actor.")
        return 42


await couldBeAnywhere()

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Even better, if that code was already running on the main actor then the code is executed immediately – it won’t wait until the next run loop in the same way that DispatchQueue.main.async() would have done.

If you wanted the work to be sent off to the main actor without waiting for its result to come back, you can place it in a new task like this:

func couldBeAnywhere() {
    Task {
        await {
            print("This is on the main actor.")

    // more work you want to do


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Or you can also mark your task’s closure as being @MainActor, like this:

func couldBeAnywhere() {
    Task { @MainActor in
        print("This is on the main actor.")

    // more work you want to do


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This is particularly helpful when you’re inside a synchronous context, so you need to push work to the main actor without using the await keyword.


If your function is already running on the main actor, using await will run your code immediately without waiting for the next run loop, but using Task as shown above will wait for the next run loop.

You can see this in action in the following snippet:

@MainActor class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
    func runTest() async {

        await {

            Task { @MainActor in



That marks the whole type as using the main actor, so the call to code> run immediately whenrunTest()is called. However, the innerTask` will not run immediately, so the code will print 1, 2, 4, 5, 3.

Although it’s possible to create your own global actors, I think we should probably avoid doing so until we’ve had sufficient chance to build apps using what we already have.

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.