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Understanding how global actor inference works

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Understanding how global actor inference works | Swift Concurrency by Example

Understanding how global actor inference works

Updated for Xcode 15

Apple explicitly annotates many of its types as being @MainActor, including most UIKit types such as UIView and UIButton. However, there are many places where types gain main-actor-ness implicitly through a process called global actor inference – Swift applies @MainActor automatically based on a set of predetermined rules.

There are five rules for global actor inference, and I want to tackle them individually because although they start easy they get more complex.

First, if a class is marked @MainActor, all its subclasses are also automatically @MainActor. This follows the principle of least surprise: if you inherit from a @MainActor class it makes sense that your subclass is also @MainActor.

Second, if a method in a class is marked @MainActor, any overrides for that method are also automatically @MainActor. Again, this is a natural thing to expect – you overrode a @MainActor method, so the only safe way Swift can call that override is if it’s also @MainActor.

Third, any struct or class using a property wrapper with @MainActor for its wrapped value will automatically be @MainActor. This is what makes @StateObject and @ObservedObject convey main-actor-ness on SwiftUI views that use them – if you use either of those two property wrappers in a SwiftUI view, the whole view becomes @MainActor too. At the time of writing Xcode’s generated interface for those two property wrappers don’t show that they are annotated as @MainActor, but I’ve been assured they definitely are – hopefully Xcode can make that work better in the future.

The fourth rule is where the difficulty ramps up a little: if a protocol declares a method as being @MainActor, any type that conforms to that protocol will have that same method automatically be @MainActor unless you separate the conformance from the method.

What this means is that if you make a type conform to a protocol with a @MainActor method, and add the required method implementation at the same time, it is implicitly @MainActor. However, if you separate the conformance and the method implementation, you need to add @MainActor by hand.

Here’s that in code:

// A protocol with a single `@MainActor` method.
protocol DataStoring {
    @MainActor func save()

// A struct that does not conform to the protocol.
struct DataStore1 { }

// When we make it conform and add save() at the same time, our method is implicitly @MainActor.
extension DataStore1: DataStoring {
    func save() { } // This is automatically @MainActor.

// A struct that conforms to the protocol.
struct DataStore2: DataStoring { }

// If we later add the save() method, it will *not* be implicitly @MainActor so we need to mark it as such ourselves.
extension DataStore2 {
    @MainActor func save() { }

As you can see, we need to explicitly use @MainActor func save() in DataStore2 because the global actor inference does not apply there. Don’t worry about forgetting it, though – Xcode will automatically check the annotation is there, and offer to add @MainActor if it’s missing.

The fifth and final rule is most complex of all: if the whole protocol is marked with @MainActor, any type that conforms to that protocol will also automatically be @MainActor unless you put the conformance separately from the main type declaration, in which case only the methods are @MainActor.

In attempt to make this clear, here’s what I mean:

// A protocol marked as @MainActor.
@MainActor protocol DataStoring {
    func save()

// A struct that conforms to DataStoring as part of its primary type definition.
struct DataStore1: DataStoring { // This struct is automatically @MainActor.
    func save() { } // This method is automatically @MainActor.

// Another struct that conforms to DataStoring as part of its primary type definition.
struct DataStore2: DataStoring { } // This struct is automatically @MainActor.

// The method is provided in an extension, but it's the same as if it were in the primary type definition.
extension DataStore2 {
    func save() { } // This method is automatically @MainActor.

// A third struct that does *not* conform to DataStoring in its primary type definition.
struct DataStore3 { } // This struct is not @MainActor.

// The conformance is added as an extension
extension DataStore3: DataStoring {
    func save() { } // This method is automatically @MainActor.

I realize that might sound obscure, but it makes sense if you put it into a real-world context. For example, let’s say you were working with the DataStoring protocol we defined above – what would happen if you modified one of Apple’s types so that it conformed to it?

If conformance to a @MainActor protocol retroactively made the whole of Apple’s type @MainActor then you would have dramatically altered the way it worked, probably breaking all sorts of assumptions made elsewhere in the system. If it’s your type – a type you’re creating from scratch in your own code – then you can add the protocol conformance as you make the type and therefore isolate the entire type to @MainActor, because it’s your choice.

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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