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What is an actor and why does Swift have them?

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What is an actor and why does Swift have them? 관련

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What is an actor and why does Swift have them? | Swift Concurrency by Example

What is an actor and why does Swift have them?

Updated for Xcode 15

Swift’s actors are conceptually like classes that are safe to use in concurrent environments. This safety is made possible because Swift automatically ensures no two pieces of code attempt to access an actor’s data at the same time – it is made impossible by the compiler, rather than requiring developers to write boilerplate code using systems such as locks.

In the following chapters we’re going to explore more about how actors work and when you should use them, but here is the least you need to know:

  1. Actors are created using the actor keyword. This is a concrete nominal type in Swift, like structs, classes, and enums.
  2. Like classes, actors are reference types. This makes them useful for sharing state in your program.
  3. They have many of the same features as classes: you can give them properties, methods (async or otherwise), initializers, and subscripts, they can conform to protocols, and they can be generic.
  4. Actors do not support inheritance, so they cannot have convenience initializers, and do not support either final or override.
  5. All actors automatically conform to the Actor protocol, which no other type can use. This allows you to write code restricted to work only with actors.

As well as those, there is one more behavior of actors that lies at the center of their existence: if you’re attempting to read a variable property or call a method on an actor, and you’re doing it from outside the actor itself, you must do so asynchronously using await.

I’ll explain why in a moment, but I want to show you a brief snippet of code first so you can see what I mean:

actor User {
    var score = 10

    func printScore() {
        print("My score is \(score)")

    func copyScore(from other: User) async {
        score = await other.score

let actor1 = User()
let actor2 = User()

await print(actor1.score)
await actor1.copyScore(from: actor2)

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You can see several things in action there:

  1. The new User type is created using the actor keyword rather than struct or class.
  2. It can have properties and methods just like structs or classes.
  3. The printScore() method can access the local score property just fine, because it’s our actor’s method reading its own property.
  4. But in copyScore(from:) we’re attempting to read the score from another user, and we can’t read their score property without marking the request with await.
  5. Code from outside the actor also needs to use await.

The reason the await call is needed in copyScore(from:) is central to the reasons actors are needed at all. You see, rather than just letting us poke around in an actor’s mutable state, Swift silently translates that request into what is effectively a message that goes into the actor’s message inbox: “please let me know your score as soon as you can.”

If the actor is currently idle it can respond with the score straight away and our code continues no different from if we had used a class or a struct. But the actor might also have multiple other messages waiting in its inbox that it needs to deal with first, so our score request has to wait. Eventually our request makes it to the top of the inbox and it will be dealt with, and the copyScore(from:) method will continue.

This means several things:

  1. Actors are effectively operating a private serial queue for their message inbox, taking requests one at a time and fulfilling them. This executes requests in the order they were received, but you can also use task priority to escalate requests.
  2. Only one piece of code at a time can access an actor’s mutable state unless you specifically mark some things as being unprotected. Swift calls this actor isolation.
  3. Just like regular await calls, reading an actor’s property or method marks a potential suspension point – we might get a value back immediately, but it might also take a little time.
  4. Any state that is not mutable – i.e., a constant property – can be accessed without await, because it’s always going to be safe.

In practice, the rule to remember is this: if you are writing code inside an actor’s method, you can read other properties on that actor and call its synchronous methods without using await, but if you’re trying to use that data from outside the actor await is required even for synchronous properties and methods. Think of situations where using self is possible: if you could self you don’t need await.

Writing properties from outside an actor is not allowed, with or without await.

Of course, the real question here is why Swift needs actors at all – what’s their fundamental purpose? And the answer is straightforward: if you ever need to make sure that access to some object is restricted to a single task at a time, actors are perfect.

This is more common than you might think – yes, UI work should be restricted to the main thread, but you probably also want to restrict database access so that you can’t write conflicting data, for example. There are also times when simultaneous concurrent access to data can cause data races – when the outcome of your work depends on the order in which tasks complete. These errors are particularly nasty to find and fix, but with actors such data races become impossible.


Creating an instance of an actor has no extra performance cost compared to creating an instance of a class; the only performance difference comes when trying to access the protected state of an actor, which might trigger task suspension.

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.