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How to show text and an icon side by side using Label

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How to show text and an icon side by side using Label 관련

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How to show text and an icon side by side using Label | SwiftUI by Example

How to show text and an icon side by side using Label

Updated for Xcode 15

Updated in iOS 15

SwiftUI has a dedicated view type for showing text and icons side by side, which will be particularly helpful for menus, lists, and more.

To use labels, you can either use SF Symbols like this:

Label("Your account", systemImage: "")

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A folder symbol inside a circle beside the text “Your Account”.
A folder symbol inside a circle beside the text “Your Account”.

Or use your own images, like this:

Label("Welcome to the app", image: "star")

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A yellow star beside the text “Welcome to the app”.
A yellow star beside the text “Welcome to the app”.

You can scale the text and icon in parallel using the font() modifier, like this:

Label("Your account", systemImage: "")

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A circular person symbol beside the text “Your Account”.

You can control how the label is displayed by applying the labelStyle() modifier using .titleOnly, .iconOnly, and .titleAndIcon, like this:

VStack {
    Label("Text Only", systemImage: "heart")

    Label("Icon Only", systemImage: "star")

    Label("Both", systemImage: "paperplane")

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The words “Text Only”. The outline of a star. A paper airplane symbol beside the word “Both”.
The words “Text Only”. The outline of a star. A paper airplane symbol beside the word “Both”.


If you're using Xcode 12, you need to use TitleOnlyLabelStyle(), IconOnlyLabelStyle(), and TitleAndIconLabelStyle() instead. TitleAndIconLabelStyle() is only available from iOS 14.5.

If you want, you can provide entirely custom views for the text and image, like this:

Label {
    Text("Paul Hudson")
} icon: {
    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
        .frame(width: 64, height: 64)

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A blue rounded rectangle beside a grey capsule containing “Paul Hudson”.
A blue rounded rectangle beside a grey capsule containing “Paul Hudson”.
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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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