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How to force views to one side inside a stack using Spacer

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How to force views to one side inside a stack using Spacer 관련

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How to force views to one side inside a stack using Spacer | SwiftUI by Example

How to force views to one side inside a stack using Spacer

Updated for Xcode 15

SwiftUI centers its views by default, which means if you place three text views inside a VStack all three will sit centered vertically in the screen. If you want to change this – if you want to force views towards the top, bottom, left, or right of the screen – then you should use a Spacer view.

For example, this places one text view inside a VStack, which means it will be centered vertically:

VStack {
    Text("Hello World")

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A phone with the text “Hello World” in the center of the screen.
A phone with the text “Hello World” in the center of the screen.

To push that text view to the top of the parent, we'd place a spacer below it, like this:

VStack {
    Text("Hello World")

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A phone with the text “Hello World” at the top of the screen.
A phone with the text “Hello World” at the top of the screen.

If you wanted two pieces of text on the leading and trailing edges of a HStack, you would use a spacer like this:

HStack {

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The words “Hello” and “World” at opposite ends of the image.
The words “Hello” and “World” at opposite ends of the image.

Spacers automatically divide up all remaining space, which means if you use if you use several spacers you can divide up the space in varying amounts.

For example, this will place a text view one third of the way down its parent view by putting one spacer before it and two after:

VStack {
    Text("Hello World")

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A phone with the text “Hello World” two thirds of the way up the screen.
A phone with the text “Hello World” two thirds of the way up the screen.
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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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