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How to create multi-column lists using Table

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How to create multi-column lists using Table 관련

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How to create multi-column lists using Table | SwiftUI by Example

How to create multi-column lists using Table

Updated for Xcode 15

Improved in iOS 17

SwiftUI's Table view type let us create lists with multiple columns, including selection and sorting. They work quite differently from regular lists because we pass the Table an array of data to show then specify values to display using key paths, each time also passing a title to show in the header area. If you're using iOS 17 or later, you can add DisclosureTableRow instances to make your table rows expand and collapse.


On iPhone tables are collapsed down to show just the first column of data, but on iPad and Mac they will show all their data.

As an example, we might have a simple User struct like this one:

struct User: Identifiable {
    let id: Int
    var name: String
    var score: Int

I've used both a String and Int for types there, because both are used slightly differently inside Table.

With that User struct in place, we could then go ahead and create a few instances of that struct, then display it using a simple Table like this:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var users = [
        User(id: 1, name: "Taylor Swift", score: 95),
        User(id: 2, name: "Justin Bieber", score: 80),
        User(id: 3, name: "Adele Adkins", score: 85)

    var body: some View {
        Table(users) {
            TableColumn("Name", value: \.name)
            TableColumn("Score") { user in

Notice how:

  1. I've declared the array as being mutable using @State so that we can add sorting shortly. If you don't need sorting, a simple constant is fine.
  2. Both table columns have a string title: “Name” and “Score”.
  3. The first table column reads its value using the simple key path \.name.
  4. The second table column uses no key path, but instead creates its own custom contents.

The reason I've taken two different approaches is because TableColumn knows how to use a key path to display values that are simple strings, but for anything else – a score integer in our case – we need to add custom view creation code by hand. So, when you just want to display a simple string you should use a key path, but for displaying all other types you should use a custom view.

Selection in tables works slightly differently from lists: rather than storing the specific object that was selected, Table instead wants to bind to the identifier of the object. As our User struct conforms to Identifiable, this will be User.ID – the associated type that points to our id property. So, we'd add a new property to store an optional User.ID value, then bind it to the Table like this:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var users = [
        User(id: 1, name: "Taylor Swift", score: 95),
        User(id: 2, name: "Justin Bieber", score: 80),
        User(id: 3, name: "Adele Adkins", score: 85)

    @State private var selection: User.ID?

    var body: some View {
        Table(users, selection: $selection) {
            TableColumn("Name", value: \.name)
            TableColumn("Score") { user in


If you want multiple rows to be selectable, use selection = Set<User.ID>() rather than selection: User.ID?.

Adding sorting to the mix takes four steps:

  1. Make an array of KeyPathComparator objects with your default sorting inside.
  2. Add that as the sortOrder parameter to your Table initializer.
  3. Add a specific key path for the “Score” column, so SwiftUI understands what sorting it means.
  4. Watch for changes in the sort order, and resort your array as needed. We already marked our array using @State, so we can sort it in place.

Here's how our example code looks with those four changes in place:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var users = [
        User(id: 1, name: "Taylor Swift", score: 95),
        User(id: 2, name: "Justin Bieber", score: 80),
        User(id: 3, name: "Adele Adkins", score: 85)

    @State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\]
    @State private var selection: User.ID?

    var body: some View {
        Table(users, selection: $selection, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
            TableColumn("Name", value: \.name)
            TableColumn("Score", value: \.score) { user in
        .onChange(of: sortOrder) { newOrder in
            users.sort(using: newOrder)

There are two extra things you'll want to know when using Table. First, you can set a specific width for one or more columns using a width() modifier. This can be a fixed value, like this:

TableColumn("Score", value: \.score) { user in

Or you can provide a range of widths, like frame():

TableColumn("Score", value: \.score) { user in
.width(min: 50, max: 100)

And second, rather than sending a fixed into Table, you can also pass a rows closure that specifies the exact data you want to show. This is helpful when you want to use static list rows, or mix static and dynamic at the same time. Each row needs to be sent in as a TableRow instance, which will take as its only parameter a value to show – one of our User instances in our case.

As an example, we could use a ForEach to create all the regular dynamic rows, but also add a “First” and “Last” user at the start and end of our table:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var users = [
        User(id: 1, name: "Taylor Swift", score: 90),
        User(id: 2, name: "Justin Bieber", score: 80),
        User(id: 3, name: "Adele Adkins", score: 85)

    @State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\]
    @State private var selection: User.ID?

    var body: some View {
        Table(selection: $selection, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
            TableColumn("Name", value: \.name)
            TableColumn("Score", value: \.score) { user in
            .width(min: 50, max: 100)
        } rows: {
            TableRow(User(id: 0, name: "First", score: 0))
            TableRow(User(id: 4, name: "Last", score: 100))
        .onChange(of: sortOrder) { newOrder in
            users.sort(using: newOrder)


As the two extra rows are fixed data, they won't be affected by any sorting in the users array. The dynamic rows are created using ForEach, and from Xcode 15 and later just needs to be given the data you want to iterate over.

If you're targeting iOS 17 or later, you can create expanding tables by adding one or more DisclosureTableRow to your tables. Demonstrating the takes a little more code because we need to nest some information in a meaningful way.

First, here's an example Person struct that stores someone's name, where they live, where they were born, and what children they have:

struct Person: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let name: String
    var city: String
    let birthDate: Date
    var children = [Person]()

    // some example websites
    static let betsy = Person(name: "Betsy Appleseed", city: "San Jose", birthDate: ISO8601DateFormatter().date(from: "1977-01-30T11:28:00+00:00")!)
    static let kate = Person(name: "Kate Appleseed", city: "Los Altos", birthDate: ISO8601DateFormatter().date(from: "1977-02-25T04:15:00+00:00")!)
    static let johnny = Person(name: "Johnny Appleseed", city: "Santa Clara", birthDate: ISO8601DateFormatter().date(from: "1952-06-03T12:45:00+00:00")!, children: [betsy, kate])
    static let tim = Person(name: "Tim Appleseed", city: "Mountain View", birthDate: ISO8601DateFormatter().date(from: "1960-11-01T09:41:00+00:00")!)

Now we can create a ContentView that displays a table of people, using either a regular TableRow or a DisclosureTableRow depending on whether each person has children or not:

struct ContentView: View {
    let family: [Person] = [.johnny, .tim]

    @State private var bookmarksExpanded = false

    var body: some View {
        Table(of: Person.self) {
            TableColumn("Name", value: \.name)
            TableColumn("City", value: \.city)
            TableColumn("Birthdate") { person in
                Text(person.birthDate.formatted(date: .numeric, time: .omitted))
        } rows: {
            ForEach(family) { member in
                if member.children.isEmpty {
                } else {
                    DisclosureTableRow(member) {


Although you don't need to display a simple TableRow for non-expanding groups, SwiftUI will show a rather useless disclosure arrow for DisclosureTableRow instances without children.

You can if you want bind an isExpanded Boolean to DisclosureTableRow to track whether the user has currently opened that group.

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.