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Formatting interpolated strings in SwiftUI

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Formatting interpolated strings in SwiftUI 관련

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Formatting interpolated strings in SwiftUI | SwiftUI by Example

Formatting interpolated strings in SwiftUI

Updated for Xcode 15

Okay, let's fix up that order total so that it's accurate. We're going to add a totalPrice computed property to our type, which will calculate the value of their tip, add it to the total for their order, and return that amount.

Please add this to CheckoutView now:

var totalPrice: String {
    let total = Double(
    let tipValue = total / 100 * Double(tipAmount)
    return (total + tipValue).formatted(.currency(code: "USD"))

Now, remember that SwiftUI will re-invoke our body property whenever any of our @State properties change. As a result, we can use that computed property right inside our layout, and it will automatically change as the segmented control changes:

Section("Total: \(totalPrice)") {

If you try that out you should see it all works great – the total price reflects the items we're ordering, plus any tip the user selected.

Our completed order form, showing options for payment type, loyalty card, and tip percentage, plus a button to confirm the order.
Our completed order form, showing options for payment type, loyalty card, and tip percentage, plus a button to confirm the order.
Further reading
How to format text inside text views | SwiftUI by Example

How to format text inside text views
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