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How to scroll to exact locations inside a scrollview

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How to scroll to exact locations inside a scrollview 관련

SwiftUI by Example

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How to scroll to exact locations inside a scrollview | SwiftUI by Example

How to scroll to exact locations inside a scrollview

Updated for Xcode 16

Improved in iOS 18

SwiftUI’s scrollPosition() modifier lets us make a ScrollView move to a specific edge of the screen, jump to the top or bottom of its content, or scroll to an exact X/Y position, all in one.

This takes three steps, starting with a new property that stores the current scroll position:

@State private var position = ScrollPosition(edge: .top)

Next, you need to attach to the scrollview you're working with, like this:


And finally, you can call various methods on that position object to jump wherever you need:

// Go to the top or bottom edge
position.scrollTo(edge: .top)
position.scrollTo(edge: .bottom)

// Move to a particular view
position.scrollTo(id: "Avatar")

// Move to an exact X/Y coordinate
position.scrollTo(x: 0, y: 500)

Generally speaking I think you're likely to make ID-based scrolling your first choice, then edges, and finally exact coordinates last.

Here's a complete example, showing you how to move through items in a list in three different ways:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var position = ScrollPosition(edge: .top)

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ScrollView {
                ForEach(0..<100) { i in
                    Text("Item \(i)")

            HStack(spacing: 50) {
                Button("Top") {
                    position.scrollTo(edge: .top)

                Button("Bottom") {
                    position.scrollTo(edge: .bottom)

                Button("Random") {
                    position.scrollTo(id: Int.random(in: 0..<100))

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이찬희 (MarkiiimarK)
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