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Day 06

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Day 06 ꎀ렚

100 Days of Swift - Day 6

Closures, part one

Closures, part one

Brace yourself, because today we’re covering the first thing in Swift that many people have hard time understanding. Please keep in mind Flip Wilson's law: “you can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine.”

Today you have only five one-minute videos to watch, just to make sure you have time to watch videos twice if you need to. Once you’ve completed each video you can read the optional extra section, and there’s a short test to help make sure you’ve understood what was taught.

1. Creating basic closures

1. Creating basic closures
100 Days of Swift - Day 6 - 1. Creating basic closures

1. Creating basic closures

Swift lets us use functions just like any other type such as strings and integers. This means you can create a function and assign it to a variable, call that function using that variable, and even pass that function into other functions as parameters.

Functions used in this way are called closures, and although they work like functions they are written a little differently.

Let’s start with a simple example that prints a message:

let driving = {
    print("I'm driving in my car")

That effectively creates a function without a name, and assigns that function to driving. You can now call driving() as if it were a regular function, like this:


2. Accepting parameters in a closure

2. Accepting parameters in a closure
100 Days of Swift - Day 6 - 2. Accepting parameters in a closure

2. Accepting parameters in a closure

When you create closures, they don’t have a name or space to write any parameters. That doesn’t mean they can’t accept parameters, just that they do so in a different way: they are listed inside the open braces.

To make a closure accept parameters, list them inside parentheses just after the opening brace, then write in so that Swift knows the main body of the closure is starting.

For example, we could make a closure that accepts a place name string as its only parameter like this:

let driving = { (place: String) in
    print("I'm going to \(place) in my car")

One of the differences between functions and closures is that you don’t use parameter labels when running closures. So, to call driving() now we’d write this:


3. Returning values from a closure

3. Returning values from a closure
100 Days of Swift - Day 6 - 3. Returning values from a closure

3. Returning values from a closure

Closures can also return values, and they are written similarly to parameters: you write them inside your closure, directly before the in keyword.

To demonstrate this, we’re going to take our driving() closure and make it return its value rather than print it directly. Here’s the original:

let driving = { (place: String) in
    print("I'm going to \(place) in my car")

We want a closure that returns a string rather than printing the message directly, so we need to use -> String before in, then use return just like a normal function:

let drivingWithReturn = { (place: String) -> String in
    return "I'm going to \(place) in my car"

We can now run that closure and print its return value:

let message = drivingWithReturn("London")

4. Closures as parameters

4. Closures as parameters
100 Days of Swift - Day 6 - 4. Closures as parameters

4. Closures as parameters

Because closures can be used just like strings and integers, you can pass them into functions. The syntax for this can hurt your brain at first, so we’re going to take it slow.

First, here’s our basic driving() closure again

let driving = {
    print("I'm driving in my car")

If we wanted to pass that closure into a function so it can be run inside that function, we would specify the parameter type as () -> Void. That means “accepts no parameters, and returns Void” – Swift’s way of saying “nothing”.

So, we can write a travel() function that accepts different kinds of traveling actions, and prints a message before and after:

func travel(action: () -> Void) {
    print("I'm getting ready to go.")
    print("I arrived!")

We can now call that using our driving closure, like this:

travel(action: driving)

5. Trailing closure syntax

5. Trailing closure syntax
100 Days of Swift - Day 6 - 5. Trailing closure syntax

5. Trailing closure syntax

If the last parameter to a function is a closure, Swift lets you use special syntax called trailing closure syntax. Rather than pass in your closure as a parameter, you pass it directly after the function inside braces.

To demonstrate this, here’s our travel() function again. It accepts an action closure so that it can be run between two print() calls:

func travel(action: () -> Void) {
    print("I'm getting ready to go.")
    print("I arrived!")

Because its last parameter is a closure, we can call travel() using trailing closure syntax like this:

travel() {
    print("I'm driving in my car")

In fact, because there aren’t any other parameters, we can eliminate the parentheses entirely:

travel {
    print("I'm driving in my car")

Trailing closure syntax is extremely common in Swift, so it’s worth getting used to.

Sometimes people ask me “why do you start some topics by saying they are hard – aren’t you just putting people off?”

Obviously my goal is not to put you off Swift. Instead, my hope is that when you struggle with something you don’t ever think to yourself “I’m not cut out for Swift.” If you find closures hard it’s not because you aren’t smart enough – they are hard, so it’s just a sign your brain is working properly.

Don’t despair. Sometimes fighting to learn something makes it stick in your head better – there is no learning without struggle!

You can do this.

ìŽì°ŹíŹ (MarkiiimarK)
Never Stop Learning.