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Swift Knowledge Base - free Swift example code
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Objective-C bridging header to use code in SwiftHow to create hash values from objects using HasherHow to create multi-line string literalsHow to create Quick Look debug previews for your custom typesHow to delay execution of code using the defer keywordHow to detect when the system is under pressure and you should reduce your workHow to filter a loop using a where clauseHow to find the difference between two arraysHow to find the first matching element in an arrayHow to find the highest value in an arrayHow to find the index of the first matching array elementHow to find the longest initial sequence in an arrayHow to find the maximum of three numbersHow to find the maximum of two numbersHow to find the minimum of three numbersHow to find the minimum of two numbersHow to fix “argument of #selector refers to instance method that is not exposed to Objective-C”How to fix the error “Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time”How to fix the error “protocol can only be used 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an arrayHow to use compiler directives to detect the iOS SimulatorHow to use conditional conformance in SwiftHow to use flatMap() with an optional valueHow to use ISO-8601 dates with JSONDecoder and CodableHow to use local variable observersHow to use map() to transform an arrayHow to use map() with an optional valueHow to use one-sided rangesHow to use operator overloadingHow to use reduce() to condense an array into a single valueHow to use reflection to inspect type dataHow to use the forEach method to loop over an arrayHow to use the rethrows keywordHow to use the zip() function to join two arraysHow to use try/catch in Swift to handle exceptionsHow to use typealias to make it easier to use complex typesHow to write a closure that returns a valueOptional vs implicitly unwrapped optional: what’s the difference?Private vs fileprivate: what’s the difference?Remove all instances of an object from an arrayRemoving matching elements from a collection: removeAll(where:)Self vs self - what's the difference?Tips for Android developers switching to SwiftUsing stride() to loop over a range of numbersWhat are class and subtype existentials?What are convenience initializers?What are designated initializers?What are generics?What are implicitly unwrapped optionals?What are indirect enums?What are inout parameters?What are keypaths?What are KeyValuePairs?What are lazy variables?What are property observers?What are protocol extensions?What are sets?What are static methods and variables?What are the changes in Swift 1.2?What are the changes in Swift 2.0?What are the changes in Swift 2.2?What are the changes in Swift 3?What does an exclamation mark mean?What does override mean?What does the AppDelegate class do?What does the open keyword do?What does unowned mean?What does weak mean?What is a CGFloat?What is a closure?What is a computed property?What is a delegate in iOS?What is a dictionary?What is a double?What is a float?What is a functor?What is a lazy sequence?What is a monad?What is a nested class or nested struct?What is a nib?What is a protocol associated type?What is a protocol?What is a selector?What is a singleton?What is a storyboard?What is a throwing function?What is a tuple?What is an enum?What is an escaping closure?What is an optional value in Swift?What is AnyObject?What is Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)?What is class inheritance?What is copy on write?What is destructuring?What is function composition?What is key-value observing?What is MVC?What is MVVM?What is NSNumber?What is optional chaining?What is protocol-oriented programming?What is the @objc attribute?What is the @objcMembers attribute?What is the autoclosure attribute?What is the Never return type?What is the nil coalescing operator?What is the Result type?What is the ternary operator?What is trailing closure syntax?What is typecasting?What is whole module optimization?What’s the difference between == and ===?What’s the difference between a class and a struct?What’s the difference between a function and a closure?What’s the difference between a function and a method?What’s the difference between a protocol and a class?What’s the difference between a static variable and a class variable?What’s the difference between Any and AnyObject?What’s the difference between init?() and init()?What's the difference between let and var?When is it safe to force unwrap optionals?When to use a set rather than an arrayWhy is immutability important?
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problemsHow to fix the error “Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile”How to flip a UIView with a 3D effect: transition(with:)How to force a UIView to redraw: setNeedsDisplay()How to force a view controller to use light or dark modeHow to generate haptic feedback with UIFeedbackGeneratorHow to give a UINavigationBar a background image: setBackgroundImage()How to give a UIStackView a background colorHow to give UITableViewCells a selected color other than grayHow to hide passwords in a UITextFieldHow to hide the home indicator on iPhone XHow to hide the navigation bar using hidesBarsOnSwipeHow to hide the navigation bar using hidesBarsOnTapHow to hide the status barHow to hide the tab bar when a view controller is shownHow to hide your navigation bar when the keyboard shows: hidesBarsWhenKeyboardAppearsHow to identify your Auto Layout constraintsHow to let users choose a font with UIFontPickerViewControllerHow to let users tap on a UITableViewCell 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SwiftData by Example
SwiftUI by Example
The defer keyword in Swift: try/finally done right
The guard keyword in Swift: early returns made easy
What's new in iOS 10 for developers
What's new in iOS 11 for developers
What's new in iOS 9 for developers
What's new in Swift 2.0
What's new in Swift 2.2
What's new in Swift 3.0
What's new in Swift 3.1
What's new in Swift 4.0
What's new in Swift 4.1
What's new in Swift 4.2
What's new in Swift 5.0
What's new in Swift 5.1
What's new in Swift 6.0?
What's new in Swift?
- A new Set data structureClasses can now have static methods and propertiesClosures can now be marked @noescapeConstants no longer require immediate initializationImplicit bridging has been reducedMultiple if let bindingsThe flatMap() method transforms optionals and arraysThe zip() function joins two sequencesTypecasting now includes as!
- ++ and -- are deprecatedComparing tuplesCompile-time Swift version checkingMore keywords can be used as argument labelsRenamed debug identifiers: line, function, fileStringified selectors are deprecatedTraditional C-style for loops are deprecatedTuple splat syntax is deprecatedTupleVariable parameters have been deprecated
- A new Float16 typeEnum cases as protocol witnessesMulti-pattern catch clausesMultiple trailing closuresRefined didSet semanticsself is no longer required in many placesSwift Package Manager gains binary dependencies, resources, and moreSynthesized Comparable conformance for enumsType-based program entry pointswhere clauses on contextually generic declarations
- ActorsAsync awaitasync let bindingsAsync sequencesCodable synthesis for enums with associated valuesContinuations for interfacing async tasks with synchronous codeEffectful read-only propertiesExtending property wrappers to function and closure parametersExtending static member lookup in generic contextsGlobal actorsif for postfix member expressionsInterchangeable use of CGFloat and Double typeslazy now works in local contextsSendable and @Sendable closuresStructured concurrency
- Add sleep(for:) to ClockbuildPartialBlock for result buildersConcurrency in top-level codeConstrained existential typesDistributed actor isolationif let shorthand for unwrapping optionalsImplicitly opened existentialsLightweight same-type requirements for primary associated typesMulti-statement closure type inferenceOpaque parameter declarationsRegular expressionsStructural opaque result typesType inference from default expressionsUnavailable from async attributeUnlock existentials for all protocols
What’s new in SwiftUI for iOS 18